Wednesday, November 25, 2009






TIME: 7 P.M.

We have received credible information that Mayor Young and his staff are attempting to stay below the radar and are secretly trying to pass a budget without public input that will result in a 23% tax increase.  It is important that as many Mount Vernon residents as possible show up outraged at the excessive taxation without representation.  Please bring your picket signs AND 2 tea bags. All major news media outlets will be in attendance.  Please forward this to as many residents as possible. Car pools are available.  E-mail us at



Mount Vernon Exposed has learned that Mayor Young and his administration are attempting to break all city laws and ordinances by avoiding public scrutiny of the City of Mount Vernon’s 2010 spending plan.  The City budget, already a month overdue is still not available for public inspection.  It has been reported by sources that are usually reliable; the public hearing before the Board of Estimate and Contracts has been scheduled for December 2nd, 2009. That leaves very little time for public scrutiny, especially when it is expected that the tax increase will be in excess of 23%.

The Mount Vernon City Charter specifically states that the budget must be available for public inspection no later than October 25th.  This year October 25th, fell on a Sunday, so that means the budget should have been available for inspection on October 23rd, 2009. The City charter mandates that a public hearing must be conducted on or before November 19th, 2009. If the budget was filed according to the law with the City Clerk, the taxpayers of the City of Mount Vernon would have had 20 business days to inspect the budget and prepare to redress their grievances before their elected officials.  Under the date proposed by Mayor Young and staff, taxpayers have only 4 business days to inspect the 2010 spending plan.

During the past 16 years, this is the latest that the budget has ever been.  It is quite obvious that Mayor Young has no clue how to run this City.  The unqualified, high paying appointees are also of no assistance to Mayor Young.    Taxpayers must wonder as to why there such a long delay with this year’s budget.  Could it be that Mayor Young has realized the financial information provided to him by the Chair of the Budget Committee Marcus Griffith is not accurate? Or did he finally realize that The City of Mount Vernon should not have gone out for bonding in these uncertain economic times?  Whatever the case may be, hopefully a light bulb turned on inside his brain to let him know that he is in over his head.

Mount Vernon Exposed and several other Mount Vernon taxpayers are currently exploring all legal options to fight Mayor Young and his attempt to jam a wretched spending plan down the throats of Mount Vernon taxpayers.  Almost any Judge will agree with Mount Vernon taxpayers and issue a temporary restraining order halting Mayor Young dead in his tracks because 4 days is simply not enough time for taxpayers to analyze a $90M budget.  The current City Council has already let Mount Vernon residents know that they cannot be trusted to make intelligent decisions.  Councilpersons Eileen Justino, Marcus Griffith, William Randolph, and Steve Horton all voted to approve $21M in bond financing without first obtaining financial data from the Comptroller’s office. Mount Vernon taxpayers must remain vigilant against the most corrupt administration in New York State.  Taxpayers that would like to be included in the legal action against Mayor Young and his staff are encouraged to email us at:  Together we will prevail.

Monday, November 23, 2009


The Mount Vernon City Charter states specifically that a public hearing on the budget must be held on or before November 19th of each calendar year. On November 19th, 2009 a public hearing was held in City Council Chambers, but the hearing was not for the Mount Vernon City budget for 2010. The Westchester County Board of Legislators conducted a hearing on the proposed budget for 2010. Westchester County taxpayers will most likely see a 5% increase in the County taxes on top of the proposed 23% tax hike in Mount Vernon and the 13% tax increase imposed by the Mount Vernon School District earlier this year.

Westchester County Legislator Lyndon Williams, elected earlier this month to a 2nd term was nowhere to be found on Wednesday evening, November 19th. Perhaps he did not want to answer questions about the controversial Memorial Field project that has the potential to bankrupt the city of Mount Vernon. Has he abandoned the very same taxpayers that a few weeks ago had just voted for him? Legislator Williams has been lackluster in his community outreach. This is the same Legislator that conducted a public hearing on the controversial Federal affordable housing settlement and the same Legislator that has not conducted any public hearing on the Memorial Field project. Mount Vernon Exposed left two messages for his assistant Sunday Vanderberg regarding setting up a public hearing. Our calls were not returned. Many Mount Vernon residents are still unaware of the shady deal that was struck behind closed doors that will enrich many officials in Mayor Young’s immediate circle and on the County level. Approximately 5 miles of County owned roads were transferred to the City of Mount Vernon as part of the Memorial Field project. Mount Vernon, already tapped out on resources now has this additional responsibility of maintaining these roads.

Legislator Williams must increase his community efforts and not follow the path that Mayor Young is heading down. As Mayor Young’s running mate in the 2007 election, Williams must let Mount Vernon residents know if he still agrees with the agenda of Mayor Young and if the change that we are now witnessing, is the same change that they preached about during their campaign.

So far, The Shot Spotter and Memorial Field, 2 major projects that Legislator Williams boasted about will cost taxpayers millions of dollars. Williams even included these projects on his campaign mailing as part of his agenda.  Legislator Williams leaves much information to speculation and must clarify the information that is circulating the community. These things cannot be accomplished if Williams remains in seclusion.  Some of the concerns expressed by Mount Vernon residents are:

  •  What is the true cost of Memorial Field?
  •  Will Mayor Young be your running mate in 2011 or will you decide to seek higher office yourself?
  •  Do you approve of the job that Mayor Young is doing?
  •  What are you doing or what have you done to help save Mount Vernon Hospital?
  •  Why are you and Mayor Young moving so quickly with the Memorial Field project when there are several projects in Mount Vernon that require immediate attention? 
  • What do you stand to gain from Memorial Field?

These are just a few of the concerns expressed by Mount Vernon residents over the past few weeks.


The original entrance for the Kingsbridge Station of the defunct New York, Westchester & Boston Railway remains on Kingsbridge Road in southeastern Mount Vernon.

Keith Cross, 69, of St. Pauls Place, Mount Vernon, walks through Kingsbridge Mound


MOUNT VERNON — A strip of trees separating a residential neighborhood from an industrial zone isn’t much of a woodland, but to Keith Cross it’s a paradise.
"After 16 hours of working, I used to just sit back there because it was so nice. It still is nice," said Cross, 69, referring to the Kingsbridge Mound, a narrow, elevated patch of land sitting between Kingsbridge Road and South Third Avenue in the city’s southeast.
Cross and his neighbors along St. Pauls Place want the city to protect the block-long strip known as the Kingsbridge Mound, a former station and right of way for the defunct New York, Westchester & Boston Railway.
A group of residents concerned about the city-owned plot’s future gathered more than 400 signatures on a petition in October urging the Mount Vernon City Council to preserve the plot as a wooded area or nature reserve.
Last year, a food company that had been a major contributor to Mayor Clinton Young’s inaugural ball wanted to buy the 1.5-acre property for $1 to build a distribution center and grocery store. That proposed sale did not occur after city lawyers raised questions about it.
On Friday Young said he has spoken with the residents of the area about the Kingsbridge Mound.
"At this point, all options remain open for this piece of land, including the conversion to parkland," he said in an e-mail. "However, I will continue to work with them to achieve a vision for this property that is in the best interest of the community."
Mount Vernon City Council President William Randolph said he agreed with the residents’ plea for preserving green space. Randolph said retaining walls on the property need a lot of repairs, and the city could be liable for any accident that happens if it maintains ownership of the parcel.
According to the Web site, the Kingsbridge Mound was once the Kingsbridge Road Station of the New York, Westchester & Boston Railway, which ran a 20-mile railroad from the Harlem River in the Bronx to White Plains, Port Chester and other Sound shore communities. The original entrances to the Kingsbridge Station are still visible on Kingsbridge Road, though they are sealed with masonry.
The railroad operated from 1912 to 1937, when it went bankrupt.
Most of the railroad’s tracks were destroyed and its right of way used for other developments, though some of the line’s original tracks are still used today by the IRT subway’s 5 Line in the Bronx between the Dyre Avenue Station and the East 180th Street Station.
While residents want the Kingsbridge Mound preserved as green space, they are clear about not wanting a public park.
"A park would attract a lot of intruders and lots of people we don’t need," said Claudia Fraser, whose backyard abuts the property.
Sonia McKenley is one of the St. Pauls Place residents who has been working for about a year on preserving the site. She acknowledged that turning Kingsbridge Mound into a proper and safe woods would cost the city money.
"We have to choose between quality of life or money," she said. "There comes a time when you have to prioritize. Is it about our future lives, our health or money?

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Embattled Mount Vernon Mayor Clinton Young

Mount Vernon City Councilman William Randolph

Mount Vernon taxpayers should be extremely concerned and worried this year.  There has been speculation that the tax increase for 2010 will be in excess of 23%.  Tax and spend are two words that the Young administration live and die by.  Mount Vernon residents should not believe anything that comes from the mouth of Mayor Young.  After all, this is the same man that referred to Mount Vernon residents as "jackasses" after he was elected Mayor.  Mount Vernon residents have still yet to digest the substantial tax increase that was passed a few months ago by the school board. Households and municipalities across the country are learning to do more with less.

When Mayor Young took office in 2008, he immediately created several controversial positions.  Inspector General, Human Resources Commissioner, and 2 Special Assistants to the Mayor positions are a few.  He also gave a $10K raise to his sister Mary Young who heads the Management Services Department and a $20K raise to disgraced DPW Commissioner Terrence Horton. In an effort to sound smarter than he really is, Commissioner Horton created the Forward Logistics and Operations Center.  This is Commissioner Horton fancy definition for "Sanitation Headquarters." Commissioner Horton advertises the DPW Department as a department going green, however all of the new SUV's that are driven by the supervisors and purchased under Horton's leadership are gasoline powered not Hybrid's that other surrounding municipalities are currently utilizing.  The department of public works is already over budget in excess of $125K and the winter season has not yet arrived.    If you take a look around the City, residents will come to understand why this is the case.  Commissioner Horton has squandered away over $50K beautifying the sidewalks immediately surrounding his property and the neighboring community.  Two days ago, Mayor Young even had the luxury of having Ellwood Avenue, the street he resides on, repaved. Mount Vernon taxpayers will also have to cope with the reckless decision making of embattled Mayor Young and Councilman William Randolph in 2010.  Their actions to sneakily pass over $21M in bonds in this financial climate will felt for generations to come. 

Earlier this week, there has been speculation that Mayor Young made calls to several unions, including the Police and Fire unions, and told there are going to be significant cuts this year.  Mayor Young as usual, ignored the fact that he is part of the problem and not part of the solution.  If Mayor Young wants to close the budget gap he should institute a hiring freeze, eliminate the useless positions that he created, and repeal all political patronage raises that he gave out.  Mayor Young needs to realize that taxpayers simply do not pull dollar bills from their behind at will.  Taxpayers can no longer remain silent while Mayor Young and his Ministry of Propaganda siphon taxpayer funds.

It is highly unlikely that a budget can be passed this year.  The framers of the Mount Vernon City Charter intended for there to be transparency between the government and the public.  It is stated in the Mount Vernon City Charter that the proposed budget is to be released prior to Election Day.  This makes perfect sense as the power rests with the voters.  Voters can then decide if they can afford the proposed budget and register their yea or nay’s  on Election Day.  According to the City Charter, the proposed budget was supposed to be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s Office, no later than October 23rd.  As of November 20th, 2009 there is no proposed budget on file in the City Clerk’s office.   The City Charter further states that the Board of Estimate is to  hold a public hearing no later than November 19th, and that a budget be adopted by the Board of Estimate and Contract by November 23rd.  As of November 20th’ 2009, there has been no public hearing so it will be virtually impossible to adopt a budget by November 23rd, 2009. A final budget must be adopted by the Mount Vernon City Council by December 5th, 2009. 
The current time frame does not allow for the budget to go through the public scrutiny process and still be adopted by December 5th.  Mount Vernon Exposed predicts that the 2010 budget will not be adopted until January 13th, 2009.  If the budget is delayed into the New Year, this will be a victory for Mount Vernon taxpayers.  The incoming City Council can do what they were elected to do, curb the tax madness of the Young Administration.

Mount Vernon City Charter
Article VII
81. Annual estimates.
(a) Not later than November twenty-third, and if that day falls on a
Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the next business day, but not sooner than
two days after it holds a public hearing in relation thereto, the Board of Estimate
and Contract shall complete and adopt an itemized statement in writing of the
itemized revenue and expenditures of the City for the ensuing fiscal year, which
statement shall be known as the annual estimate.
(b) Before it adopts said annual estimate, the Board of Estimate and
Contract shall give a public hearing to such persons as wish to be heard in relation
thereto, which public hearing shall be held no later than November nineteenth,
unless said date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday in which event the
public hearing shall be held on the next business day.
(c) Notice of said public hearing together with a summary of the proposed
estimate shall be published once in the official City newspaper no later than
October 25, unless said date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, in which
event said notice and summary of the proposed estimate shall be published on the
following business day. Copies of the proposed estimate will be available for
inspection by the public in the office of the City Clerk upon publication of the notice.
(As amended by L.L. 1994, No. 2)
(d) The estimated revenues shall contain an estimate of the probable
revenues, which, in the judgment of the Board of Estimate and Contract, will be
received by the City during the fiscal year, less the amount required to be deposited
to the credit of the sinking fund, if any; a statement of the amount of the sinking
fund, which, in the judgment of the Board of Estimate and Contract, is available
and should be applied to the payment of the principal of any bonded indebtedness of
the City falling due during the said fiscal year; and a statement of all unexpended
balances, or estimated unexpended balance of the current fiscal year remaining to
the credit of the City, or of any office, board or department thereof. The estimate of
expenditures shall contain an estimate of the several amounts of money which the
Board of Estimate and Contract deems necessary to provide for the expenses of
conducting the business of the City in each board, department and office thereof and
for the various purposes contemplated by this chapter and otherwise by law for the
said fiscal year; to pay the principal and interest of any bonded or other
indebtedness of the City falling due during the said fiscal year; and the amount of
any judgments recovered against the City and payable during the said fiscal year.
Immediately after said annual estimate shall have been adopted, the Board of
Estimate and Contract shall submit the same in final form to the City Council with
a statement in writing of such reasons for such estimate as it may deem proper, by
filing same with the City Clerk. The City Council shall, as soon thereafter as may be
possible, convene and consider said estimate. It shall give a public hearing to such
persons as wish to be heard in reference thereto. After such hearing and on or
before December fifth, the City Council shall adopt such estimate so submitted or
shall diminish or reject any items therein contained and adopt said estimate as so
amended. The City Council shall not have the power to diminish or reject any item
which relates to salaries, the indebtedness or estimated revenues, or the sums
estimated as necessary to pay the tax to be levied within the City for state and
county purposes, or the sums lawfully payable within said fiscal year upon
– 44 –
judgments; nor shall the City Council have the power to increase any item for any
purpose contained in said estimate.
(e) The said annual estimate shall be arranged so to give in a parallel
column the respective budget appropriations for the various items of expense and
the other purposes contained therein for the current fiscal year.
(f) There shall be no combination or grouping of items in any one code but
each item shall be separately and distinctly set forth with the appropriation
(g) The said annual estimate shall have appended thereto supplementary
reports reflecting the financial status of each federal, state or county program
and/or project to be submitted by the Director of each such program and/or project
in which the City or any agency, department, board or commission thereof is a
participant, including therein a schedule of all funds received and appropriated by
the City under each said program and/or project, and a general statement of the
purposes for which such funds have been allocated and expended, and the amount
of funds remaining in each account and to be received by the City for each such
program and/or project.
(h) Upon request of the City Council, department heads shall be required to
attend meetings of the City Council or of any committee thereof, in relation to the
proposed appropriations in the annual estimate for the department of which he is
the head.
(i) The said annual estimate shall have appended thereto a statement
setting forth the total net indebtedness of the City as of September 30 of the current
year, which said statement shall include a schedule of the bonds, notes, or other
evidences of indebtedness of the City, the date such obligations were authorized, the
type and amount of such obligations, the amount outstanding and the object or
purpose for which such obligations were authorized.
(j) Any vacant position for which a salary appropriation is indicated shall be
appropriately marked to reflect such vacancy.
(k) The said annual estimate shall separately and distinctly set forth by
department, board, agency or commission all revenues received in the form of fees
or charges.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Mayor Young continues to blow hot air up the rear ends of Mount Vernon taxpayers.  Mayor Young’s latest shenanigan of holding a press conference to announce the creation of a  new Advisory Council on Community and Police Relations was a mere ploy to distract and hoodwink taxpayers from the issues of gross mismanagement within the Mount Vernon Police Department and the corruption that is plaguing his administration. Instead of prancing in front of the camera for a photo-op he should have been behind closed doors addressing the budget that is already a month behind schedule.

 Mount Vernon Exposed questions the legitimacy of this new advisory council.  The City Council of 1982 established the Civilian Advisory Board for Police Affairs, a totally different name than the Advisory Council announced by Mayor Young. 

§14-1 of Mount Vernon City Charter
The purpose of this chapter is to create a group of interested citizens and to provide for them an opportunity to make their views and the community's views known to the Department through a democratic process. The Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity, attempting to identify community hazards, add input to the Police Commissioner's field of information, review police procedures for discipline, planning and training, and thus provide assistance in managerial decisions. In order to achieve these goals, the Board, through its regular meetings, will strive to assist, advise and aid the Police Commissioner in matters relating to public relations, discipline, planning, training and in the establishment of priorities of services to be rendered to the public.

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the City of Mount Vernon 7-14-82, approved 7-15-82. Amendments noted where applicable.]

It has only taken Mayor Young 23 months and 23 homicides to finally appoint members to this council.  It is a shame that not one individual in  Mayor Young immediate “Brain Trust” did not bring to his attention the existence of this advisory board.  Mayor Young has clearly demonstrated by his past actions that he doesn’t care or does not possess basic reading comprehension skills, neither is good. 

We at Mount Vernon Exposed question whether Mayor Young even bothered to explain the duties and responsibilities of the advisory council to the new members.  The advisory council consists of 12 members. 


The Board shall consist of seven members and five associate members to be appointed by the Mayor. In addition, the Second Deputy Commissioner of the Department shall be a member of the Board. Members shall be residents of the city for a period of not less than three years. Neither a member nor an associate member shall be an employee of the Municipal Government of the City of Mount Vernon.

Three members appointed to this advisory council are high school students.  One can assume that these three members will not have any voting power and were appointed as associate members.   Mayor Young as usual expected taxpayers to jump for joy upon the announcement of his new appointees.  He was not clear nor did he release to the press the names of the “official” members or the associate members of this advisory council.  Taxpayers can assume that Mayor Young will appoint the most docile members to hold voting power.  The Chief of Police as mandated by the City Charter will serve as the chairwoman of the council. 

Members shall each have one vote on matters before the Board for consideration. Associate members shall not have voting privileges, but shall otherwise participate in all matters and discussions of the Board.

The Chairperson shall be the Second Deputy Police Commissioner. The Vice Chairperson and the Secretary shall be elected by a majority of the members present at the first meeting in January in each calendar year. The Vice Chairperson and Secretary may serve no more than two consecutive years in their respective offices.

The Committee shall have three officers, a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and a Secretary.
The Chairperson presides at all meetings. The Chairperson or his/her representative shall be responsible for meeting with the Police Commissioner following each meeting to advise him as to the Board's recommendations and discussion. The Chairperson shall meet with any group or individual expressing a grievance concerning police policy, action or procedure, in order that the Board may adequately discuss and make recommendations concerning said grievance.

Mount Vernon Exposed will assume that it will be business as usual for Mayor Young.  While 98% of violent crimes take place on the south side, the majority of Mayor Young’s appointees to the advisory council do not reside on the south side of Mount Vernon. How can these individuals give opinionated assessments as to the problems in these neighborhoods? We can remember that Mayor Young and his band of thieves tried to force a gang a candidates upon Mount Vernon taxpayers all from the North Side of town.

 What is needed in the City of Mount Vernon is an Independent Civilian Complaint Review Board as an 
effective mechanism to adjudicate the ongoing epidemic of Po­lice Brutality within the City of Mount Vernon.  We are knowledgeable of other cities that have Civilian Re­view Boards and have adopted a system that is independent of the Police force.
To enhance the Boards effectiveness, the cities have implemented the following:

  •             Appointed a Board with a team of non-police investigators
  •             Address the complaints received by civilians.
  •            Obtained Power of Subpoena vested in Board.
  •            Review Police policy and training as a regular function

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Mount Vernon is on track to surpass the murder rate of 2008.  While our so-called leaders have been ineffective at containing this senseless violence, many have used this violence as an opportunity for a photo-op and to propel their campaigns forward at the expense of taxpayers. 

The embattled Mount Vernon Police Department has its own internal management issues that it must deal with. This management in the MVPD is substandard and until it is changed Mount Vernon can expect this same level of service and production from the MVPD.  Very few top brass, if any reside in the City of Mount.  It is had been rumored that Commissioner David Chong is resigning at the end of the year and is heading to White Plains to be top cop there.  Operation Protect Phase II currently under way is not protecting Mount Vernon residents. It is evident that there is a lack of leadership in the Mount Vernon Police Department and this shortcoming is adversely affecting the entire Mount Vernon community.  Quality of Life in Mount Vernon is deteriorating at record speeds.  The Mount Vernon Police Department must be proactive instead of reactive to the concerns of the Mount Vernon community.  True Community Policing is absent from Mount Vernon Police Department policy.  True Community Policing is taking input from the community and going back and implementing the data that was gathered into Standard Operating Procedures. 

Earlier this year, Westchester County Executive Andy Spano announced that he was going to spend $3M of taxpayer money to purchase a system called shot spotter.  Spano called this “a sense of urgency and a sense of emergency.”  Shortly thereafter, this was approved by the Board of Legislators.  This system would cost Mount Vernon taxpayers $300,000 annually to maintain. County Legislator Lyndon Williams was excited about this system and even used this in his campaign literature, but he did not provide any studies or research to the public that warranted the spending of this excessive amount of tax dollars. Legislator Williams appears to do things backwards.  He votes on legislation and then goes out into the community and holds public forums that are scarcely attended.  Is this to avoid public scrutiny? Williams also stated that he advocated for public safety, $1.5M for a high-tech gunshot detection and camera system to deter gun violence.  County Legislator Lyndon Williams did not take into account that perpetrators would stop using guns and would begin using knives as the weapon of choice.  It is just a matter of time before Mayor Young and Company convince Mount Vernon taxpayers that they have a bridge for sale in Idaho or that we should now invest in a Knife spotter System.

The $300,000 that is going to be wasted annually on this system could have been put to better use.  This money could have been used to hire 8 additional officers per year, fixing the cameras that are not working in all but 1 patrol car, purchase new bullet proof vests that are outdated, or purchase worthwhile equipment that will make our officers more effective and more efficient to fight crime in our communities.  Hard earned tax dollars are not to be squandered away.


Oct. 27, 2009
Westchester County Executive Andy Spano and Mount Vernon Mayor Clinton Young announced Tuesday that the ShotSpotter gunshot detection system is up and running in the city of Mount Vernon and has already helped to solve a crime.

The system’s ability to pinpoint the precise location of gunshots helped Mount Vernon and New York City police  retrieve valuable ballistics evidence blocks away from where the shooter was apprehended.       

“Mount Vernon is a safer city already because of the installation of this sophisticated technology,” said County Executive Andy Spano who, along with other officials, got a demonstration of Mount Vernon’s new system. “It is a tremendous tool that helps us keep our residents and communities safe.’’

Mayor Clinton Young said, “Here in Mount Vernon we are on an aggressive mission to rid our streets of illegal handguns. With the help of ShotSpotter, all those who seek to terrorize our streets with the use of these weapons will be arrested and brought to justice.  I thank the County Executive who has been a true partner in this fight.”

The ShotSpotter system uses a sophisticated network of sensors to detect gunshots and identify their location within seconds after gunfire sounds. This enables police officers to respond to the scene immediately, even before receiving a 911 call.
With the support of the Westchester Board of Legislators, the county allocated $3 million in capital funds to install the proven crime detection and prevention system in Mount Vernon and Yonkers. The two cities will assume the costs of maintaining and updating the systems.         
County Legislator Lyndon Williams of Mount Vernon said, “…I believe ShotSpotter will have a tangible impact on reducing gun violence in Mount Vernon.  Its implementation will not only serve as a deterrent, but will provide our police department with crucial information, enabling them to solve gun-crimes more quickly and restore peace of mind to our residents.”

Board chair Bill Ryan of White Plains said, “This technology is an effective tool for local police. It will send a strong message to individuals who use illegal guns – fire a gun in Mount Vernon or Yonkers, and law enforcement will find you!”

County Legislator Vito Pinto of Tuckahoe, chair of the Public Safety Committee, said, “As chairman of the Public Safety Committee, I am happy to see the coordination and partnership between county and local governments in efforts to protect the public. This is another example of Westchester County government helping communities throughout this county serve their residents better.’’
Gunshot detection technology, which is used in cities and counties around the nation, has been credited with helping police to apprehend shooters before they can flee;locate witnesses who were present when a crime was committed; allocate resources more effectively in response to data about where gunfire is occurring and find gunshot victims quickly and get them medical attention, including in cases where no one has called 911.
ShotSpotter uses acoustic sensing technology to identify and report gunshots to police within seconds. The sensors, which can differentiate gunfire from other loud sounds such as fireworks or construction noise, use wireless transmitters to send the information to a police dispatch center. The sensors can determine how many shots were fired, how many shooters were involved and whether the shooters were stationary or moving (as in a drive-by shooting).

The sensors also trigger a program that calculates the direction that the sound came from – a process known as triangulation. This is done by comparing the slightly different times at which the sound hits different sensors in the area. Triangulation permits the detection system to pinpoint a very precise location – usually within 25 feet – of where a gunshot was fired. The location is transmitted to a police computer that displays a map and the closest address to the gunfire.

Earlier this month, two NYPD officers from the 47th Precinct heard gunfire while on patrol near the Mount Vernon-Bronx border. The officers drove toward the shots and observed a man running down the street near Mundy Lane in Mount Vernon. They pursued the man into Mount Vernon and, with the help of Mount Vernon Police, took the suspect into custody and recovered a handgun. Using ShotSpotter, Mount Vernon police were able to locate the specific address on Mundy Lane where the shots had been fired and police later recovered a number of shell casings in the back yard.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Racism in the Democratic Party

Sunday, November 15, 2009


On Wednesday November 11th, 2009 Mount Vernon Exposed reported that 23 year old Chanell Hyde was recently hired as a Drug Market Intervention Coordinator at the Mount Vernon Police Department.  Her hiring has stirred up controversy and has angered many taxpayers throughout the Mount Vernon community.  Ms. Hyde was hired for a temporary part-time position rewarding her $65K annually.

Mount Vernon exposed obtained the complete employment application for Ms. Hyde through a Freedom of Information request.  This particular document does not seem to follow other formats and protocol of other employment applications that we receive on a regular basis from the City of Mount Vernon.

All employment applications are time stamped by the Civil Service Commission once they are received.  Although Ms. Hyde signed and dated her employment application October 6th, 2009, it was not time stamped by the Civil Service Commission. We will seek documents to establish Ms. Hydes first day on the Mount Vernon Police Department payroll.   It is unclear it if there was even an employment application on file prior to Mount Vernon Exposed inquiring about it.  Employment Applications are also initialed by the person administering the paperwork.  There are no initials whatsoever on Ms. Hyde’s employment application. 

Mount Vernon Exposed also discovered  that Ms. Hyde did not yet graduate from Fordham University even though her starting salary is nearly double the starting salary of a Mount Vernon Police Officer.  It could not be verified if Ms. Hyde is still attending college while collecting a paycheck courtesy of taxpayers. We still were not provided with documents substantiating the hiring of Ms. Hyde, details of her job description, or additional qualifications that she may possess for this position.. On her employment application question #5
5. Have you a license, certificate, or other authorization to practice the trade or profession    that you are applying? 
* Ms. Hyde answered yes to this question.  She states she is the director of a nonprofit agency

Ms. Hyde attended New Rochelle High School, The Ursuline School, and Fordham University.  We are not sure what investment, if any, that Ms. Hyde has made in the Mount Vernon Community prior to her organizing the non-violence rally after the death of her cousin Shamari Knox.  


Friday, November 13, 2009



Mayor Clinton I. Young has had a number of issues that have tainted his administration which leads to question his leadership abilities. The murder rate is Mount Vernon is the highest it has ever been.  There appears to be systematic racism in the Mount Vernon Police Department when it comes to promoting Black and Hispanic police officers.  

One of the issues that we will discuss is the stagnation of Black and Hispanic police officers . The Mount Vernon Police Department apparently is in disarray. The leadership to begin with is not one that supports its Chief because she is not one of the 'good ole boys' and not the choice of the Police Commissioner. She has not been given the respect due to her by the Deputy Chiefs  because she is the choice of embattled Mayor Clinton Young. The Chief has been referred to by one Captain at the time of her appointment, as a “Bitch”.

With that being said, the question now becomes what is the purpose of the Deputy Chief's when prior to 2002 there was no need for a Deputy Chief at all.  One of the Deputy Chief’s had  3 sons and a daughter in law working as police officers for the Mount Vernon Police Department and were given all of the training that even seasoned officers could not and would not receive.  It is evident that the interests of this Deputy Chief lie elsewhere.  Subsequently, all 4 officers have gone on to other departments. Mount Vernon taxpayers should not be responsible for training police officers for other police departments, nor should Mount Vernon be a dumping ground for police officers that were first rejected and not accepted by other departments. 

The demographics in the City of Mount Vernon since 2006 are approximately 65% Black; 25% White; 15% Hispanic or others. The demographics in the Mount Vernon Police Department are approximately 70% white; 20% Black; 10% Hispanic. It is the opinion of Mount Vernon Exposed that the demographics of The Mount Vernon Police Department reflect the communities in which the officers serve.
There are several specialized units in the detective division; we have the narcotics unit, the general investigations unit, intelligence unit, gang unit, the youth unit and the major case unit.

This unit since 2007 has had only black officer working in the unit for the most part at any one time and has been extremely unsuccessful especially within the last year in their responsibilities. The productivity in this department is extremely poor compared to other units in the Detective Division. Many would point to the leadership of that unit for the reason for this. 90% of the arrests are persons that are African-American but this division is total opposite. It is believed all but one Detective are not residents of Mount Vernon. The unit now has 1 Black officer, 3 Hispanic officers and 2 White detectives and 2 or 3 White officers. This unit could use some diversity.

This unit has remained consistent throughout its existence and the unit is made up of different ethnic backgrounds and all are detectives. Though many of the Black and Hispanic detectives do not have the same training as their White counter-parts this unit is very well trained and apparently good at what they do. Diversity and training in the general investigations unit is good and many of these detectives are Black, White and Hispanic and either lives in the City of Mount Vernon or near by.

This unit is fairly new, yet not one person that has lived in the City of Mount Vernon has worked in this unit and no Black or Hispanic officer has ever worked in this unit. The officer that previously worked and the officer that is currently working in this unit is White and neither has ever lived in the City of Mount Vernon. One has to ask how accurate has that information been coming from this and could it have been improved if there were officers or detectives working in this unit from the City of Mount Vernon? With the demographics 70% Black, why aren’t there any Black police officers in this unit. It is believed that 95% of the intelligence coming into this unit comes from officers that reside in this City. This unit has only 1 Black supervisor who is familiar with the city and who at one time or another lived in the city. This unit could use some diversity.

This unit is fairly new; the department almost got this one right. There is 1 Black detective and 1 Black police officer and at least one of the officers is from the City of Mount Vernon, but there are only 2 people working in this unit and the are approximately 30 different gangs with more than 15 people in each of these gangs and some with as many as 50.  This unit could use some diversity and a lot more manpower.

This unit was successful in the 80’s and 90’s and was disbanded in the early part of 2000 and then re-established in 2004. Since its re-establishment in 2004 this unit has been successful even though there were only 2 detectives working in the unit and at times, only 1 detective. There are over 20,000 youths in the City of Mount Vernon. There are now 4 detectives working in this unit and that is not enough.  All of these officers are Black and all are from the City of Mount Vernon,  but this unit could use more diversity.

This unit since 2004 has been one of the most successful units in the State of New York and the County of Westchester. The major case unit from 2004 till July of 2009 had solved most of its cases and or has had leads in the unsolved cases. This unit usually consists of the best of the best in systematically and methodically putting cases together and only will take calculated risk when necessary.  They avoid being reckless in the follow-up of the investigation. There is small margin for error. The detectives in this unit have a tremendous amount of experience in court room testimony. Other members of the department are not exposed to trials and hearings like the major case detectives.

Now we ask some serious questions- How does the supervisor of a successful unit become the supervisor of an outstanding unit?  Why have the personnel in the major case unit been asked to leave the unit when the same supervisor from unsuccessful unit became their supervisor? Why is the only Black detective, who is also a resident of the City of Mount Vernon, in that unit reassigned to the youth unit? Why would the most seasoned detectives in the unit ask out of this unit? Why would the supervisor who once supervised the most successful major case unit since 2004, ask to leave this unit? How do the detectives that have never investigated a case become major case detectives?  Why wasn’t anyone asked in the General investigations unit to work in the major case unit?  The individuals that worked in General Investigations have the most experience investigating cases outside of the individuals that have investigated cases in the major case unit. Since July 2009 there are no Black or Hispanic detectives in this unit,  and even more shocking there are no Black or Hispanic supervisors. How does this happen when 90% of the victims and suspects apprehended are Black and Hispanic? The present Police administration is only creating an environment for more violence with less experienced people investigating these crimes. 

In the last 3 years since the present Commissioner has taken office there has been 28 homicides and almost twice as many victims of shootings. The commissioner has promoted approximately 13 supervisors. Of the 13 that were promoted, 1 of them has been Black, 2 have been Hispanic and 10 have been White. The homicide rate has risen and the opportunities for Black officers and detectives from this city have declined. The supervisors promoted during Mayor Young’s administration have done nothing but collect a paycheck. They have not invested in this community like many of their fellow officers from the City of Mount Vernon. They have not done anything to make this city safer. The Mayor ran on an agenda that spoke about the youth and public safety. The public safety part of his agenda has failed miserably. It appears that the administration in the Mount Vernon Police Department does not care for the Mayor because they have not developed anything close to diminishing crime and have set the City and its citizens on a course for disaster. One can come to the conclusion that the Mayor just doesn’t know or he just doesn’t care about the safety of Mount Vernon residents. Neither is good.

The first female to ever work in both the narcotics unit and the homicide unit is Black and was reassigned to the youth unit without an explanation. This woman should have been acknowledged for her accomplishments. There are Black officers who request to go to trainings and to specialized units but they are constantly denied, however their White counterparts are constantly placed in specialized units and are constantly trained. This is not because of their accomplishments but because of who they know.  Did you know that not one White female officer works in the streets?  They all work inside of headquarters.  Did you know that all Black female officers work in the streets? I ask you to look at the records of who has been trained the most and I am sure you will find it is divided along racial lines. The whole department is going through racial turmoil due to the lack of accountability of the supervisors. Police brutality has also risen. It appears that the citizens in the City of Mount Vernon are paying taxes for the Police officers to abuse their and their children's civil rights.  Parents are being arrested for beating their children when they do wrong, but its okay for police officers and Sergeants to beat their children when they are just walking the streets.

There are some serious racial issues in the Mount Vernon Police Department.  Black Police officers do not receive the same training as their white counterparts. There is a lack of Black and Hispanic Officers in supervisory roles in the Mount Vernon Police Department.More Diversity is needed.   This can lead to the Black Police Officers resenting and rebelling against their White superiors and unwillingness to effectively do their job.  This had lead to a hostile work environment and a crime rate that is unmanageable. It is our belief at Mount Vernon exposed that a police department reflect the community that they serve. Extreme emphasis must be made to hire Mount Vernon residents as police officers.  Mayor Young must take control of this situation immediately. The City of Mount Vernon must enact legislation that will prevent taxpayers of Mount Vernon from training police officers and then they seek employment elsewhere.  Failure to act on this will jeopardize the quality of life in Mount Vernon for generations to come. It is our recommendation that an Independent Civilian Police Advisory Board be created with the power to subpoena