Sunday, February 27, 2011


In addition to the hotly contested 2011 Mayoral race in Mount Vernon there is a race for the 13th district county legislator race that appears to be heating up.  The incumbent, Lyndon Williams, in is his second term.  This time he faces a potential challenge for the Democratic nomination from former First Deputy Commissioner of Social Services, Diane Atkins.  Atkins is also President of the Mount Vernon chapter of the Westchester Black Woman’s Political Caucus.

County Legislator Lyndon Williams
Lyndon Williams, a legislator with ambitious plans is seeking his third term in office.  Lyndon Williams is an attorney and a certified public accountant.  Lyndon Williams has made several campaign promises to City of Mount Vernon voters of which none can seen in the physical form.  One of these promises is the rebuilding of Memorial Field. Legislator Williams has publicly blamed the Comptroller and City Council for intentionally delaying the project.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® has learned that the delay of the project is due to incomplete and inadequate architectural drawings.  For example, the visitors section of the stadium did not contain any public restrooms.  

Diane Atkins
Mount Vernon Exposed™® could not find a bio on Ms. Atkins. Many people interviewed by Mount Vernon Exposed™® laughed at the fact that Atkins is considering a run for County Legislator.  “Shouldn’t she be in jail?”  said one district leader who asked to remain anonymous.  The district leader was referring to recent news articles regarding abuse of taxpayer funds and misconduct on the part of Atkins.  In the February 25, 2010 issue of the Westchester Guardian, Diane Atkins was exposed for her excessive criminal abuse of Westchester taxpayer dollars.  It was reported that Atkins repeatedly overrode the findings of persons deemed to be ineligible and made them eligible for social services benefits.  It is unknown how long Atkins ran this scam and unclear how much money Westchester County taxpayers were bilked out of.  Some people interviewed by Mount Vernon Exposed™® put the figure somewhere around $10M.

Taxpayers even allegedly funded $4K for her niece to move to South Carolina.   Friends of the Atkins regime also were allegedly handsomely rewarded via lucrative child care subsidies.  Serapher Conn Halevi, a long time pal of Atkins receives child care subsidies amounting to the tens of thousands of dollars each and every month.  Naomi Halevi, the daughter of Serapher Halevi received section 8 even though she had a house recorded in her name worth approximately $1M.  It is unclear if Atkins approved her section 8 subsidy.  This act of taxpayer fraud was reported in The Journal News.  The Journal News reported that Federal Investigators appeared in Mount Vernon city hall the next day after the story ran to retrieve documents relating to the fraud. 

Serapher Conn Halevi’s other son, Nashon, was hired at Social Services while Atkins was 1st Deputy Commissioner.  Atkins came under scrutiny when The Journal News reported that Mr. Halevi received $162,000 in private vendor fees from the Department of Social Services for his work as a real estate broker while she was 1st Deputy Commissioner.  Mr. Halevi received $15,000 while he was employed for the Department of Social Services.  

Atkins retired in 2010 after 41 years of drinking from the public water fountain.  Her pension is estimated to be around $120K per year.  Her lavish retirement party was even attended by Westchester District Attorney Janet DiFiore.  

Today, Ms. Atkins is employed at Levister Towers as an assistant property manager where she is still in contact with her former employer, the Department of Social Services.  Recently, Ms. Atkins was stopped from entering an employee entrance by Gene Buttinelli at 100 E. First Street in Mount Vernon.  Ms. Buttinelli, an employee, told Ms. Atkins that she would have to use the main entrance just like everyone else.    

 WESTCHESTER COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES SLUSH FUND EXPOSED                                                              

Official's Son Got DSS Broker Fees, Some While Working for County                                                              

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Frank Fraley
Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce President Frank Fraley and Commissioner Anthony DeBellis came under fire on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 when it was revealed that they are part of a massive corruption ring.  Fraley, who is a convicted federal felon, owns and operates a business called Noah Consulting that advertises that it lowers property taxes to City of Mount Vernon residents.  Commissioner DeBellis operates a company called Preside Ltd. 

Mount Vernon Exposed™® would like to speak to any City resident who was solicited by Frank Fraley and/or Commissioner Anthony DeBellis to have their property taxes lowered.  If you have knowledge of any criminal activity on behalf of Fraley or DeBellis, please call the U.S. Attorney at (914) 993-1900,the F.B.I at (212) 384-1000, or e-mail  

Anthony "Tony" DeBellis
Please reveal how you came into contact with these individuals, all encounters you had with these individuals, if you ever were promised anything, if you made payments in cash, if you have ever been extorted, if your taxes were suddenly increased.  Law enforcement needs to hear from you today.

Frank Fraley Arrest Docket                                                              

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


MT. VERNON COMPTROLLER TO SEEK MAYORAL OFFICE                                                                   

Monday, February 21, 2011


In September voters will go to the polls to either select a new Mayor to move Mount Vernon forward or return Mayor Clinton I Young Jr. to office for another 4 years.  This year’s race will be like no other.  There is a large field of candidates for voters to choose from and re-election for Mayor Young may not be an easy task.

During the last Mayoral election, Mayor Young rode the corruption bandwagon and preached a message that “It is time for a change.”  Almost 4 years later, Mayor Young’s administration is riddled with corruption and the City of Mount Vernon is in financial ruin.  Property taxes are way up while responsiveness from City Hall is at an all time low.   This year’s Mayoral campaign will become very negative at times.  Voters should expect very aggressive mudslinging.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® is your guide to transparency and making the right choice at the polls this September.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® has profiled each candidate that we know of seeking the Office of Mayor.

Here they are:

Mayor Clinton Young Jr. – Mayor Young had a chance to really move Mount Vernon forward for the good of the citizens of Mount Vernon.  From the onset, Mayor Young’s administration has been mired with controversy and corruption.  Whether it is the $95K job he appointed his sister Mary to, DPW Commissioner Terrence Horton and his blatant acts of corruption, or the no show $100K+ Inspector General taxpayers are footing the bill for,  Mayor Young just does not use good judgment.  Corruption further takes a toll on this administration when it was recently revealed that Mayor Young has a personal bag man, Antoine Lowe doing the bidding of Mayor Young by means of extortion and violence. Mayor Young has appointed several unqualified persons to positions in City Hall and has even assisted in the steering of no-bid contracts to his friends and campaign contributors.  John Boykin, the infamous Special Assistant to Mayor Young, has cast a black cloud on the re-election of Mayor Young.  Mayor Young once praised Boykin as the “Braintrust” of his administration.

Comptroller Maureen Walker- Many view Comptroller Walker as the favorite to win the Mayor’s race in 2011.  She is expected to cruise to victory.  Ms. Walker is respected throughout the City of Mount Vernon, especially the business community.  During her past 17 years as Comptroller of the City of Mount Vernon, taxpayers always had an independent voice that always put the best interests of the taxpayers first.  Ms. Walker was not swayed or corrupted by party politics.  Ms. Walker’s expertise and integrity in the City’s finances is an asset to the taxpayers, as she will not have to learn the job, on the job.   City of Mount Vernon taxpayers have enjoyed 10+ years of budget surpluses which have resulted in minimal property tax increases.  In these tough economic times, taxpayers are no longer afforded the luxury of budget surpluses.  Ms. Walkers’ financial expertise is needed to move the City of Mount Vernon forward.

Councilman Yuhanna Edwards- Councilman Edwards is said to be testing the waters and is supposedly eyeing a run at being the next Mayor of The City of Mount Vernon.  Councilman Edwards started the Mount Vernon Razorbacks over thirty years ago.  While Mr. Edwards has an extensive record of community service, many voters feel that he is just not ready to lead the City of Mount Vernon at this time.

Councilman Steve Horton- The Horton family has been drinking from the public water fountain for over two decades. Councilman Horton and his brother, DPW Commissioner Terrence Horton has had several brushes with the law.  It is alleged that Councilman Horton was arrested for obstructing justice while Mount Vernon Police Officers were arresting his brother Terrence for allegedly running down the street naked while on drugs.  These events happened in 1992.  It is unclear if Steve Horton will quit his job as Executive Director of The New Rochelle Municipal Housing Authority.  A complaint was filed against Steve Horton with the United Office of Special Counsel about Steve Horton’s hatch act violation.  Councilman Horton, according to voter interviewed by Mount Vernon Exposed™® doesn’t stand a chance because of his younger brother Terrence Horton’s reputation of being “hopelessly corrupt”.

Frank Fraley- Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce President Frank Fraley is reportedly considering a run for Mayor.  Fraley was Chief of Staff under Mayor Ernie Davis and recently Vice President of Mount Vernon hospital.  It was revealed recently that Fraley is a convicted federal felon.  Fraley was convicted of a felony in 1994 after he plead guilty of trying to defraud the I.R.S. out of $200,000 by filing phony tax returns.  Although this happened almost twenty years ago, many voters told Mount Vernon Exposed that they are reluctant to vote for a convicted felon.  While many including President Obama, believe in giving someone a second chance for their past mistakes, some are not buying into this theory.  Fraley’s co-defendant in the I.R.S. fraud case Douglas Shyne, was arrested again and convicted in 2009 for being the ringleader of a massive $8M fraudulent check ring.  The scam involved high profile Olympic gold medalist Marion Jones who was also sentenced to federal prison in the scheme.  Shyne was sentenced to 140 months in federal prison.  Douglas Shyne’s relapse into the life of crime was almost 20 years later after his arrest with Fraley.  Some feel having Fraley in charge of a $90M budget is just a risk they are not willing to take at this time. (see arrest docket below)

Peter Sherrill- Mr. Sherrill was the first of all the candidates to publicly announce his intentions of running for office.  Sherrill is the former Director of Civil Defense for The City of Mount Vernon.  Mr. Sherrill is the author of several books, of which one “Black to the Future” was inducted into the Schomburg Museum Library.  Citizens view Mr. Sherrill as a nice, likeable guy, but voters that spoke to Mount Vernon Exposed™® expressed concerns that Mr. Sherrill just doesn’t have the experience to lead The City of Mount Vernon.

Frank Fraley Arrest Docket                                                            


Event Flyer                                                            

Sunday, February 20, 2011



Mount Vernon Exposed™® has exciting news for the taxpayers of the cities of Mount Vernon and Yonkers.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® prides itself with embracing all technology that is available to maintain our message of transparency and to keep the sunlight on your government.  

When information disseminated to the public, it is often hard to tell which information is true and which information in false.  Mount Vernon Exposed ™® simply provides our readers with enough information so that you can do your own research and make up your own mind.  Just the other day, Mount Vernon Exposed™® broke the news that Mayor Young is purposely not releasing daily crime stats to the media and the public.  

Crime is way up in Mount Vernon.  Just today there were several incidents that happened in the great City of Mount Vernon.
  • * At 1229hrs. at 137 Rich Ave. a homeowner called MVPD after a suspect walked into her house and when the suspect realized the homeowner was home the suspect fled. A description was given and the suspect was located a few blocks away & arrested for burglary.
  • * On this date 2/20/11 at 1113hrs. at 55 Pennsylvania Ave,,officers responded to a Domestic Incident and arrested a male suspect for Assault 2 degree on a child & multiple warrants. 
The Mount Vernon and City of Yonkers Police frequencies are now online so residents can listen to the action as it unfolds without the need to purchase a scanner, which can cost upwards of $150.00.
Do not buy into Mayor Young's election year propaganda.  Violent crime is at an all time high in Mount Vernon.  You be the judge  Listen for your self. Is Mount Vernon safe? 
 Upon arriving on the web page, click the speaker icon to begin listening.  NOTE: The frequency contains Mount Vernon and Yonkers Police activity.


Saturday, February 19, 2011



With election year in full swing, Mayor Young is doing everything he can to persuade City of Mount Vernon residents that he has been working hard the past three years trying to move the City of Mount Vernon forward.  Judge Adam Seiden said it best, "Mayor Young is lazy".  Mayor Young is also trying to give the perception that Mount Vernon is safe. 

According to a source working at City Hall, Mayor Young has given instructions to the Mount Vernon Police Department to not release information of crime and daily arrests to the public, specifically The Journal News.  Mayor Young doesn’t want the public to know that crime is running rampant in Mount Vernon especially on the North Side.  Mayor Young doesn’t want those voters on the North Side to know that homes are being burglarized in the middle of the night while folks are sleeping nor does he want residents to know on the south side that chances are when you go fill up your tank at the neighborhood gas station, chances are you could be caught in the middle of an armed robbery.  

These crimes against humanity and dozens more have gone unreported to the media.  Mayor Young’s suppression of crime statistics is purely political.  Mayor Young simply does not want the public to know that crime is up in Mount Vernon.  In contrast, Mayor Young will deliver his State of the City Address next month and will state that crime is down.  Freedoms of Information requests virtually go unanswered.  The brave men and woman of the Mount Vernon Police Department fight crime day in and day out, without out receiving proper support from Mayor Young.  

In this day and age, it is impossible to keep information that happens in public, private.  The internet, tape recorder, and video recorder are a crooked politician’s most feared weapon.  Julian Assange, founder of WiKileaks, proved this theory.  Assange has inspired millions of people to take back their governments from corrupt and self serving politicians.  It is believed that information released by Assange contributed to the recent overthrowing of the government in Egypt.  

A brave Mount Vernon citizen has created a page on facebook called “Mount Vernon Isn’t Safe” which can be found by clicking here; Click here to join "Mount Vernon Isn't Safe".  This facebook site details the many crimes not released to the news media on a daily basis.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® supports this site 100%.  Only when we continue to shine sunlight on corrupt and self-serving politicians will things continue to change for the better. 

Friday, February 18, 2011




While Mayor Young is busy using taxpayer funds to escort him to Supervising Judge of Family Court Kathie Davidson’s home located at 16 Montgomery Place in New Rochelle, the very same police department charged with the responsibility with protecting him and Mount Vernon residents is riddled with corruption.

Mount Vernon Exposed™® has previously reported allegations of corruption within the Mount Vernon Police Department.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® investigated police officer Neil Rosenberg who was part of the “good ole boy” network in Mount Vernon until his retirement last year.  It has been alleged that Chief Roland and other high ranking bosses illegally rewarded Rosenberg overtime to pad his pension in exchange for Rosenberg ensuring that persons seeking to file civilian complaints with the Mount Vernon Police Department are given an extremely difficult time.  The goal essentially was to make sure that these complaints never made it to Chief Barbara Duncan’s office.  Due to Mount Vernon Exposed’s™® whistle blowing actions, Officer Rosenberg is no longer feeding from the public trough.  However, he is receiving a hefty pension. 

Mount Vernon Exposed™® is now investigating the day to day operations of the Mount Vernon Police Department and how politics come in to play when it comes to public safety.  A Sergeant employed with the Mount Vernon Police Department blew the whistle on this corruption during an interview with Mount Vernon Exposed™® The Sergeant who spoke on the condition of anonymity, provided insight into the shadowy underworld of the Mount Vernon Police Department.  

Police overtime and the illegal padding of pensions has become a major issue with taxpayers in the City of Mount Vernon, Westchester County, and New York State.  In fact, the issue has become so big, Governor Cuomo has made pension reform a top priority of his administration.  

While there are those such as police officer Neil Rosenberg, who abused the overtime system so they can have six figure pensions, there are many officers who seek overtime to achieve financial independence, pay for their children’s college tuition, and save up for weddings.  For several years, Officer Rosenberg was the highest paid public servant in the City of Mount Vernon surpassing the salary of the Vice-President of the United States of America.  The Vice-President is paid $250,000 annually.  

Many police officers also seek overtime because they are forbidden by departmental rules and regulations from seeking employment as security personnel while they are police officers in Mount Vernon.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® has learned that many police officers in Mount Vernon have taken on part time jobs.  Some of these jobs include, babysitting, dog walking, and some even work as cashiers at local retailers.  While these dead end jobs may not pay much, it isn’t hard to tell that these officers are doing their part trying to contribute to society.  

A few months ago, community activist Samuel L. Rivers appeared before the Mount Vernon City Council to address the issue of overtime and to get the ball rolling with legislation that will allow Mount Vernon Police Officer’s to work as security personnel when they are off duty.  “Allowing Mount Vernon Police Officer’s to work as security personnel is in the best interest of Mount Vernon taxpayers” said Rivers.  It is a win-win situation for everyone.  “Taxpayers will no longer be responsible for paying these exorbitant pension costs and Mount Vernon Police Officers will able to achieve the financial goals they have set for themselves”.

A source told Mount Vernon Exposed™® that several police officers spoke to Mayor Young about the issue of secondary employment as security personnel.  The source said that Mayor Young was receptive of the idea and had no objections about the idea, but Mayor Young told them that he would not support them publicly and told the officers after finishing up the meeting that the meeting they just had never took place. 
Mayor Young has no intentions of cleaning up the corruption in the Mount Vernon Police Department nor does Mayor Young have any intentions of fighting crime in the City of Mount Vernon.  Mayor Young is lazy and is only interested in lining his greasy pockets.  Luckily, he appointed a well respected Public Safety Commissioner.  Carl Bell comes to Mount Vernon with an extensive background in federal law enforcement and is committed to getting the Mount Vernon Police Department back on track.   However, he faces fierce opposition from an exclusive gang of organized criminals posing as Mount Vernon Police Officers.   

There are many double standards when it comes to police departmental policy in Mount Vernon.  Even though there is a prohibition against working second jobs as security personnel, that rule doesn’t apply to a chosen few that are part of the good ole boy network.    Det. Paul Roland, the brother of Deputy Chief John Roland was working at Ark Drugs which is now Duane Reade.  According to sources, Det. Roland was the ringleader and organizer of the security crew at Ark Drugs.  Det. Roland disguised his outlawed activities under the title “Inventory Clerk”.  Only a chosen few were allowed to work with Det. Roland as “Inventory Clerks”, when in fact they were moonlighting as security personnel.  

The illegal gig proved quite lucrative for Det. Roland and his crew of special officers.  The illegal gig proved so lucrative, Det. Roland became comfortable and began to forge timecards for him and his crew members to the tune of $30K.   According to sources, after an internal audit, management caught on to Det. Roland’s scheme to defraud Ark Drugs.  Management officials called for a police investigation into the matter.  Chief Michael Mosca who was Chief of Police in Mount Vernon at the time worked out a backroom deal to keep Det. Roland from losing his job and going to jail.  Chief Mosca, then allegedly gave the store manager a laminated business card personally signed by him.  Sources said Mosca wrote on the card “To any MVPD officer, leave this man alone.”  

While it is still against MVPD policy for officers to moonlight as security personnel, sources said that Det. Roland is still doing security work.  Det. Roland in his role as a police officer is responsible for booting City Vehicles.  Det. Roland’s highhanded behavior didn’t end when Ark Drug management caught on to his scheme to defraud.  In fact, according to sources, Det. Roland is fraudulently filling out time sheets that include massive amounts of fraudulent overtime.  According to the source, Det. Roland’s time sheets are only reviewed and signed off on by his older brother, Chief John Roland.  In 2009, Det. Roland made $150,219 and in 2010, he made $153,004.  The Mayor of Mount Vernon makes $143,000 per year.  

Sources said that this ring of corruption has been operating in the Mount Vernon Police Department for more than 12 years.  Some of the members of this elite circle are Chief Roland, Det. Roland, Captain Hastings, Captain Dumser, and Lt.  Manzione.  The newest member to be inducted in this secret gang was Lt. Michael Zurilli.  Zurilli earned his stripes when he ordered the arrest of community activist Samuel L. Rivers on April 21, 2010 while Rivers was at the DPW garage, public property.  

This elite gang constantly did everything they could to undermine former Chief Barbara Duncan.  Duncan has since retired and took a job in Maryland.  The gang when speaking about Duncan always referred to her as “a cunt”.  Other officers offended of the behavior of this elite gang, told Chief Duncan about how she was treated behind her back.  According to the source, Chief Duncan developed the attitude, “if you can’t beat them, then join them.”  To be continued………

Thursday, February 17, 2011




On Tuesday, February 08, 2011 the City Council of the City of Mount Vernon held their bi-weekly work session which is usually held the day before their bi-weekly City Council meeting.  The meeting started with the City Council going into executive session to discuss personnel issues with the fire department.  The fire department was given 8 minutes to make their presentation.  After about 5 minutes or so, Mount Vernon Exposed™® was let back into the City Council committee room. 

The City Council members accompanied by Corporation Counsel Loretta Hottinger and her sidekick Joana Aggrey went into their work session.  Each one of them reviewed information from a packet that was in front of them.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® was not provided with a packet at the time of the meeting.  The City Council spoke in codes that were virtually impossible to decipher unless you were looking at the packet that they were looking at.  

However one item of discussion stood out in particular.  There was a request for a company to enter into a contact with the City of Mount Vernon for $325K.  When this item was discussed,  City Council members were baffled of the complexity and by the amount of the proposed contract.  By listening to the Council members speak; it appeared that this contract was for well over $1.2M.  The company, Capstone Strategies, led by Dwight McLeod is a personal friend of Mayor Clinton Young.  

Dwight McLeod was an active campaigner for Mayor Young and was initially promised the job of Management Services Commissioner, a job now held by Mayor Young’s sister Mary Young.  According to sources familiar with the employment arrangement, Mayor Young told Mr. McLeod not to take the job because he wasn’t able to make any money by working for the City of Mount Vernon.  Mayor Young allegedly told Mr. McLeod that he would steer lucrative city contracts to his buddy Dwight in exchange for kickbacks.  Mr. Young held up his end of the bargain. 

In addition to trying to get his greedy little paws on city contracts, Dwight McLeod was allegedly practicing real estate without a license.  McLeod contacted several real estate brokers and told them that he was representing Mayor Young and that Mayor Young wanted a bank in the Third Street corridor preferably a Wachovia Bank, the bank that Mayor Young banks with.  McLeod was not successful in his real estate ventures. 

Dwight McLeod already received a city contract to provide cars to be shared between the government and City of Mount Vernon residents.  Mayor Young knowing that he will be defeated in September in his bid for re-election is trying to loot the City and hook up his friends before he leaves office.  When will the pillaging stop?   Only time will tell.  

The City Council now armed with this information can stop the pillaging of the coffers before the pillaging begins.  The City Council must investigate and thoroughly vet all companies looking to do business with the City of Mount Vernon.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® decided to launch an investigation into Capstone Strategies. 
         Here are our findings:
  • ·                Capstone Strategy does have a company website located at  The website is mediocre and doesn’t really explain what a client will be getting for their money.
  • ·               When you hit the “about us” tab there is a photo displayed with about 100 people that gives the impression that Mr. McLeod is running a major Fortune 500 operation, but that is not the case.  Those person displayed in the pictures do not appear to work at Capstone Strategies. It appears that Mr. McLeod is running this company from his residence.  
  • ·             There is a phone number listed on the site for Capstone Strategy.  (914) 667 -4659 when dialed rings and the voice on the answering machine in Dwight McLeod.  The City Council and taxpayers should be weary that a company looking to do this amount of business in the City of Mount Vernon doesn’t even have an address listed that business is conducted out of.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011



On Wednesday, February 9th, 2011 the Mount Vernon City Council voted to sell 323 E. 3rd Street to Henry Solly for $25,000.  Coverage of this transaction was provided in the Journal News the following day.  Upon reading the headlines and the article one would gather that some impropriety or corruption or back door deal making took place.  However, that is not the case.

Mount Vernon Exposed™® was present during the Mount Vernon City Council work session on February 8th, 2011 when various city properties were discussed including the one the City Council voted to sell to Henry Solly.  When the subject property came up for discussion it was a very sticky issue.  City Council President Karen Watts and Councilwoman Diane Munro-Morris grilled Corporation Counsel Loretta Hottinger and her trusted sidekick Assistant Corporation Counsel Joana Aggrey for approximately 20 minutes about the 323 E. 3rd Street property.  

The councilwoman’s’ intense questioning of Hottinger was to ensure that Mr. Solly paid up his tax arrears of $131K before he was allowed to close on the 323 E. 3rd Street property.  Ms. Hottinger informed the council persons that there is a clause in all contracts for city owned properties that the prospective purchaser can have no outstanding tax liabilities.  Councilwoman Diane Munro and Council President Karen Watts were adamant that they did not want the property sold to Mr. Solly until all his taxes were paid.  They also said they did not want to give the perception that is ok to purchase city property if you owe outstanding taxes. 
Council President Watts’ even asked if the Comptroller drafted purchase contracts for the sale of City property.  Ms. Hottinger answered no and explained all contracts are prepared by her office.  So it was with the advice of Ms. Hottinger that the City Council weighed in making their determination that everything was above board and ok to move forward with the sale of the property to Mr. Solly.  

Mount Vernon Exposed™® has earlier reported that there is a conflict of interest within the Office of the Corporation Counsel.   Ms. Hottinger sued the City Council on behalf of Mayor Young last year.  It has been proven time and time again that Ms. Hottinger is biased towards the City Council and is not capable of being fair and impartial.  How can Ms. Hottinger sue the City Council then have the audacity to give them legal advice?  Serious reform is needed in City Hall to prevent these conflicts of interest from occurring in the future.  In the end, it is only the taxpayers that suffer from incompetent legal advice. 

Mayor Young being the political whore that he is didn’t waste any time seizing the spotlight.  Mayor Young stated that he will be vetoing the legislation of the sale of 323 E. 3rd Street.  Even Stevie Wonder could see that Mayor Young is political grandstanding. 

The City Council work sessions are usually never recorded.  However Mount Vernon Exposed™® did record the meeting.  Elected officials who are corrupt and have something to hide fear the tape recorder.  Elected officials who are above board and are honest never fear being recorded. In this case the tape recorder clarified a situation that was misrepresented to the public.  As you listen to the recording you will clearly hear that the City Council did act in the best interests of the taxpayers of the City of Mount Vernon.  


 I would like to address the circumstance surrounding the potential sale of 323 E. 3rd Street. Once again, incomplete information has gone out to the public. The sale of any city owned property requires that there be a contractual agreement, signed by both the City of Mount Vernon (represented by the Corporation Counsel) and the prospective buyer. In that agreement (contract), there is a stipulation that states in part, that the prospective purchaser must pay all taxes on properties owned that are in arrears before the process of securing an additional property can proceed to closing. During this period of time, an estimated 45 days, the property remains in the possession of the City of Mount Vernon. After 45 days, and at the discretion of the Corporation Counsel, the offer of the property can be rescinded and potentially returned to the Real Estate Committee to be offered/sold to another interested party.

It was on this basis, as explained to us by the City of Mount Vernon’s Corporation Counsel, that the City Council voted to accept the offer on the property located at 323 East 3rd Street. 

Further, the Charter is silent on this issue. Though it might seem reasonable that properties owned by the city should not be sold to anyone owing taxes, this is not the rule. As department heads and legislators, we cannot make up the rules on a case by case basis. The Charter provides the protocols and we are directed to act within its parameters.

Karen Watts President
Mt. Vernon City Council

Mount Vernon Council Agrees to Sell City Owned Property                                                            



Most people would learn their lesson after being arrested and thrown in the slammer for assaulting a critic of Mayor Young, but James “Jamie” Dickerson is not letting anything get in his way on his road to riches.  Hook or crook, Jamie is looking to get paid. 

On Monday, January 31, 2011, Atlantic Development and a subsidiary of Atlantic Development, Knickerbocker Construction, held a workshop at Mount Vernon Public Library for the purpose of soliciting Mount Vernon based contractors for the construction of the controversial massive low-income high rise on Gramatan Avenue.  

Mount Vernon Exposed™® was contacted by several contractors who were in attendance at the workshop held by Atlantic Development.  It was learned that Jamie Dickerson was also in attendance at the workshop held by Atlantic Development.  The contractors told Mount Vernon Exposed™® that Jamie was at the door taking attendance and writing down every name that came through the door.  After giving their information to Jamie, Jamie then told the contractors “everything comes through me”.  The contractor told Mount Vernon Exposed™® that he viewed the actions of Dickerson as an attempted shakedown.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® has reason to believe that the contractor’s encounter with Dickerson was tape recorded. Any contractor that may be a victim of Dickerson’s extortion and racketeering attempts must contact Mount Vernon Exposed™® immediately.  All information will be kept confidential. 

Dickerson has no regard for the law and corruption seems to be the main ingredient of his daily diet.  Dickerson has come under fire before for bilking taxpayers out of tens of thousands of dollars while he was employed with the City of Mount Vernon. (Please see  There have also been allegations that Jamie Dickerson is the bagman for Mayor Clinton Young and has already delivered envelopes filled with cash to Mayor Young and several other co-conspirators.  

Mount Vernon Exposed™® also has direct knowledge that Dickerson is directly in contact with Peter Fine and has contacted several elected officials throughout Westchester County for letters of support regarding the Atlantic Development project.  According to the New York Commission on Public Integrity, Dickerson is not registered as a lobbyist, so his actions and attempts to influence elected officials may be in violation of the law.  Mount Vernon Exposed™® will keep the public informed of the above mentioned activities. 

One must ask why Mayor Young surrounds himself with such shady and creepy characters such as Jamie Dickerson. Dickerson was instrumental in securing a position for his longtime girlfriend Tracy Thompson in the Mayor’s office.  Tracy is the daughter of NYS Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson. 

Friday, February 11, 2011


Mount Vernon Parents Beware                                                                   


For Immediate Release             
For More Information Contact: Samuel L. Rivers 914.760.8136   

The Black Political Caucus of Westchester, Inc. 
acquires corruption reporting blog  Mount Vernon Exposed™®  

Mount Vernon, NY February 10, 2010- On Thursday, February 10, 2011 a deal was reached between The Black Political Caucus of Westchester, Inc. and Mount Vernon Exposed™® publisher Samuel L. Rivers to acquire the highly successful corruption reporting blog Mount Vernon Exposed™®. 

Details of the blockbuster deal were not available at press time.  “I am humbled that an organization such as The Black Political Caucus of Westchester, Inc. sees the value and understands the vision of Mount Vernon Exposed™® and what we were trying to accomplish.  The Black Political Caucus has the resources and the commitment to take Mount Vernon Exposed™® to the next level.  This is a win-win situation for the taxpayers of Westchester County.” Rivers said  Read more about the acquisition of Mount Vernon Exposed on Sunday, February 13, 2011 @  



Dpw Commissioner Terrence Horton Facing Foreclosure                                                                   


Dpw Commissioner Terrence Horton Facing Foreclosure