Thursday, September 15, 2011


Sources have told Mount Vernon Exposed that serious voter fraud was committed on behalf on a specific candidate running for Mayoral office in Mount Vernon.  Mount Vernon Exposed was also told that the United States Department of Justice and the F.B.I. was notified of the alleged crimes committed against the citizens of Mount Vernon.

According to a voter, Mount Vernon Exposed was told that the alleged voter crimes were committed on the Southside of Mount Vernon, specifically buildings where voter machines were placed where voters live in that specific building.  According to an undercover worker posing as a worker for the Mayoral candidate that was involved in the voting scam, workers were told that this specific voter candidate must win “by any means necessary”.  Workers were told to say that they were volunteers if they were asked if they were paid for their services because the specific Mayoral candidate was showing a negative balance in their campaign account with the Board of Elections.

“I want everyone in the City of Mount Vernon to know that the 2011 Mayoral elections were rigged” said the campaign worker.   “If you check the voter machines in the projects and the building across from Pathmark, you will see what the deal is” said the campaign worker.  “I’m not going to be nobody’s bitch in jail” continued the campaign worker when approached by the staff of Mount Vernon Exposed.  

Based on the foregoing, Mount Vernon voters deserve to know the truth about the 2011 Mayoral election.  No Mayoral candidate should concede until every vote, signature, and voter is subpoenaed and interviewed.  “We think we are on to something here” said one voter.  If need be, I will spend any amount deemed necessary to get to the truth. The truth needs no defense”. 

Monday, September 12, 2011


Over the past few weeks Mayor Young and his handpicked slate of puppets have been causing divide and confusion amongst Mount Vernon voters by scaring them with the threat of a Tea Party takeover.  It is evident that the Mayor Young and his slate for City Council Richard Thomas and Debra Reynolds have no clue as to run the City of Mount Vernon.   All three candidates lack any platform and any proposal from the three involves raising taxes on already cash strapped Mount Vernon taxpayers. 

Richard Thomas must come clean with voters and explain to them that he is part of the problem and not part of the solution.  As a city councilman, if elected, Mr. Thomas will be responsible for making the laws in the City of Mount Vernon.  However, Mr. Thomas and his mentor Mayor Young have shown complete disregard for the laws of Mount Vernon.  Mr. Thomas and Mayor Young have willingly and knowingly violated the ordinance of placing signs on public property.  

Mayor Young candidate Richard Thomas
Mr. Thomas’ high handed behavior didn’t end there.  Mr. Thomas illegally constructed a sign at his campaign headquarters at 107 South 4th Avenue without the required permits and approvals from the Department of Buildings and cheated Mount Vernon taxpayers out of much needed revenue.  Comptroller and Mayoral candidate Maureen Walker is the only candidate that followed the law regarding signs.  The Commissioner of Buildings even went so far as to require Mrs. Walker to hire an architect to submit plans regarding the signs at her campaign headquarters.  Mr. Thomas’  way of thinking is quite dangerous for Mount Vernon as he already thinks he is above the law.  

With less than 24 hours until polls open, voters must vote NO to the entire team of Mayor Young.  Can you imagine another 4 years of Mayor Young, Richard Thomas, and Debra Reynolds?

Mayor Young candidate Richard Thomas illegal sign

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Politics Live 5 from . on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


For Immediate Release

For More Information Contact: Samuel L. Rivers 914.760.8136


Mount Vernon, NY September 8, 2011  Community activist Samuel L. Rivers’  and his running John Fava today announced today that they will be appearing in their final debate before Primary day on Tuesday,  September 13th, 2011.  
Rivers and Fava’s campaign for City Council has picked up tremendous momentum this week when they picked up a key endorsement from a top watchdog group in the City of Mount Vernon.  Rivers and Fava have spoken to 7,500 voters in the past few weeks.  

“All of the voters we spoke to had the same thing in common” said Rivers.  “They all agreed that the leadership in place now is not adequate and sufficient to lead us for the next four years.  Many voters were thrilled that Fava and I are the only true independent candidates in the race”.  

Tonight, voters can see Teams Rivers / Fava 2011 live from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at First United Methodist Church at 227 East Lincoln Avenue.  

Team Rivers/Fava will be discussing their plan to create City Council Districts in the City of Mount Vernon.  Mount Vernon is the only City in New York State that does not have City Council Districts.

This campaign is about creating a City government for all residents and all communities, not just the political insiders and the big money donors. Electing one person who represents you and your community is better than voting for five people who do not represent you and are not accountable to you or your community. Every community deserves to have a voice in City Hall”, said Rivers.

Rivers and Fava will also discuss their plans to restructure the Mount Vernon Police Department where moral is at an all-time low.  Spending cuts, property tax reductions, development and job creation will also be top priorities discussed at the forum. 

“Mount Vernon is in a state of emergency” said Rivers.  “We have serious issues facing Mount Vernon.  Voters cannot afford to be bamboozled and hoodwinked into a repeat of the past 4 years and beyond.  Bold, independent, and common sense leadership is what is needed in the City of Mount Vernon. “Rivers added.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Corrupt Mayor Clinton Young
Mount Vernon Exposed yesterday released evidence implicating Mayor Young in a criminal bid rigging scandal involving former Commissioner of Buildings Ralph Tedesco and Water Commissioner Brian Bochow.  Mayor Young’s high handed criminal behavior doesn’t end there.  

It was standard operating procedure of the Young administration to funnel millions of taxpayer dollars to politically connected cronies.  Because of Mayor Young unwisely using taxpayer monies for his own selfish and personal gain, property values are down and violent crime including murders have reached historic levels in the City of Mount Vernon.  The City of Mount Vernon is just moments away from becoming like the City of Detroit, where one can roam and see skyscrapers abandoned and boarded up.  

Today, we will reveal another bid rigging scandal and expose more incompetence on the part of our elected officials.  The City Council is the eyes and ears of the people.  All ordinances, legislation, and permission to enter into contracts are approved or denied by the City Council. 
Another bid rigging scandal that we will bring to light involves replacing the dirt of the infields at Brush Park.  The bid was designed so that one company would benefit from the lucrative contract at Brush Park.  Here is how the caper went down…..

Corrupt DPW Commissioner Terrence Horton
On orders from Mayor Clinton Young, DPW Commissioner Terrence Horton and Assistant Corporation Counsel Joana Aggrey drafted up bid specifications that would only benefit the company that won the winning bid, Custom Clay, a company based in Syosset, Long Island.  Joana Aggrey is the wife of John Boykin, a candidate for City Council, and former assistant to Mayor Young.  Boykin was fired for threatening a critic of Young’s administration.  Mayor Young constantly states that he wants to promote Mount Vernon based businesses but he has failed to maintain his promises to the people of Mount Vernon.  

The bid specifications stated that all parties interested in bidding on the project had to buy the clay (infield dirt) from Custom Clay.  When the prospective bidders called Custom Clay for price quotes, they were all given a different price by Custom Clay.  This is evident in the final bids that were submitted to the City of Mount Vernon.  The highest bid was submitted by Paladino Concrete Solutions at $376,650.  Paladino Concrete Solutions is a Mount Vernon based company.  The second lowest bid came in at $235,325 and was submitted by Derosa Tennis Contracting, a Mamaroneck based business.  And finally the winning bid came in at $148, 400 and was submitted by Custom Clay, the company named in the bid specifications that all bidders had to get their supply from.  Conflict of interest?  Not in the mind of Mayor Young and his criminal syndicate.  

How is it that the winning bid was almost $100K lower that the second lowest bid?  Where was the oversight by the City Council, the governing body charged with the duty of vetting bids and contracts?  According to the New York State Board of Elections, Mayor Young received two campaign contributions from Custom Clay.  Friends of Mayor Young reported a campaign contribution of $1,300 on May 12, 2010 and another contribution of $1,000 on November 1, 2010.  Sounds like a kickback doesn’t it?

Not every elected official was asleep at the wheel.  The Comptroller’s office caught wind of this possible criminal activity and sent a letter to DPW Commissioner Terrence Horton letting him know that an audit was under way.  DPW Commissioner Terrence Horton simply ignored three letters sent to him by 1st Deputy Comptroller Thomas Rajala requesting documentation of Mayor Young and DPW Commissioner Horton’s alleged criminal activity.  At press time, the status of the audit could not be determined.    

Mount Vernon Exposed obtained these documents through the New York State Freedom of Information Law after an employee in the City of Mount Vernon alerted Mount Vernon Exposed to the Custom Clay scandal.  It is because of our very educated and vigilant readers that we are able to investigate these blatant acts of corruption.  We continue to thank you, our readers, who continue to let us know where the corruption and waste is.  Please print these documents out and bring with you the candidate’s forum being held at First United Methodist Church on Lincoln Avenue on Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 6:30p.m.  Tell Mayor Young, Don’t Tread on Me!

Custom Clay Bid Rigging Scandal

Mayor Young Contributions Custom Clay

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


On Monday, September 5, 2011 the Mount Vernon Black Pastors unamimously endorsed Mayor Young for a second term to continue stealing from Mount Vernon taxpayers.  Some of the black pastors that spoke in favor endorsing Mayor Young are under criminal investigation themselves for bribery, money laundering, tax evasion, and racketeering.  

Mount Vernon voters must dissect the clergy’s endorsement of Mayor Young.  Why would black pastors all of whom have churches on the south side of Mount Vernon endorse a Mayor who has neglected the south side of Mount Vernon? Are these pastors so blind that they cannot see the despair and blight that exists just steps away from their churches? Can they not see the burned out and boarded up homes that appear on every block on the south side?  Just in case the black clergy suffers from blindness we have provided an eye-opener of the conditions that exist on the Southside of Mount Vernon.  


Now that you have seen the video it is not hard to tell that there are serious problems in the City of Mount Vernon.  The City Charter empowers the Department of Buildings to demolish buildings that are hazards to the community.  The Department of Building under the direction of Mayor Young has been a cesspool of corruption.  Only those contractors that allow Mayor Young to participate in the lucrative demolition contracts are awarded jobs.  All of these scams occur while the City of Mount Vernon taxpayers continue to see their property values decline.  

In the May 2010 edition of the Westchester Guardian it was explicitly detailed how Mayor Young and his gang of bandits looted the City of Mount Vernon of hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Mount Vernon Exposed who mission is to inform voters and provide transparency in the City of Mount Vernon contacted the Westchester Guardian about the investigation conducted about the bid rigging.  We were provided with documents of the crime so we could show them to the public.  It is highly advised that you read the Westchester Guardian article before examining the evidence of Mayor Young’s crime against the taxpayers of Mount Vernon.  We leave you with this question.  Would the same conditions be allowed to remain on the North side of Mount Vernon?

 Criminal Bid Rigging in City of Mount Vernon Buildings Department

Fraudulent Building Department Bids

Monday, September 5, 2011


For Immediate Release 
Press Conference  When: Monday, September 5, 2011, 12:00 P.M.   
Where: Steps of City Hall, Mount Vernon, NY 
For More Information Contact: Samuel L. Rivers 914.760.8136      

Mount Vernon, NY September 5, 2011-  City Council candidate Samuel L. Rivers will be at City Hall with hundreds of supporters protesting the illegal endorsement of Mayor Clinton I. Young.  According to Rivers, a tape recording of this Sunday’s service was provided of Pastor Moore admitting he was violating the law but said” This is necessary and I must do what I have to do.  I will be on the steps of City Hall tomorrow at 12 noon endorsing Clinton Young for Mayor.” Mayor Young is a member of Pastor Moore’s church, Greater Centennial A.M.E. Zion Church. 
Rivers said Pastor Moore is outright violating the law and that he is meeting with a group of community leaders to pursue legal action to have Pastor Moore’s tax exempt status revoked by the I.R.S.  “These laws were passed by congress for a reason”, said Rivers.  “Pastor Moore’s record of advocating and endorsing candidates for public office has proved deadly for the black community.  Pastor Moore has no business injecting himself into this election especially since he is leaving town in a few months to head to North Carolina to become a Bishop.  One must wonder has Pastor Moore been paid off by the Young camp for this endorsement.  No other faith based group has violated the law”, Rivers added.

Once we get Pastor Moore on tape endorsing Mayor Young we are going to hit the ground running, said Rivers.  There is a substantial amount of case law to support our claim, said Rivers.  [See BRANCH MINISTRIES v Internal Revenue Service,)   ###

Branch Ministries V IRS

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Pastor Richardson
It is common knowledge that Mayor Young has knowingly and willingly pillaged the city coffers.  Mayor Young seeks to continue his criminal enterprise by receiving an illegal endorsement from many black pastors in Mount Vernon on Monday September 5, 2011 at the scene of Mayor Young’s criminal activity, City Hall.  Such an endorsement is in violation of the law.  Unless an organization such as the black pastors have a special tax designation with the I.R.S, it cannot participate in political activity.  

Pastor Franklyn Richardson has been injecting himself into politics in Mount Vernon for over 20 years.  As a result of his deal making blacks are worse now than they were when he first entered politics.  Please don’t see this as a personal attack on Pastor Richardson or Grace Baptist church or any of the black pastors in Mount Vernon, but as an eye opener to the root cause analysis of the problems plaguing the city of Mount Vernon.
According to the Mount Vernon today facebook page, “MOUNT VERNON PASTORS TO ENDORSE MAYOR YOUNG - On Monday, Sept. 5th at 12noon Mayor Clinton I. Young will receive a major campaign endorsement from the faith-based community. On the steps of City Hall, a group of renowned religious leaders led by Grace Baptist Church Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, and Pastor of the Greater Centennial AME Zion Church, Rev. Dr. W. Darin Moore and several others religious leaders will announce their support for Mayor Young in the Democratic Primary.”

Corrupt Mayor Clinton Young
Mount Vernon has a very diverse population with the majority of the population being African American.  Mount Vernon is four square miles.  There are over 450 churches with 87% of them being on the South Side of Mount Vernon.  With so many churches in the community a person visiting Mount Vernon for the first time would think that Mount Vernon is a very safe and holy city but that is not the case.  It is the exact opposite.  The City of Mount Vernon is a municipal mess of corruption.  There are murders and shootings every other day.  There was just a murder the other day on Saturday morning.  The Journal News reported it as a stabbing, but according to a homeowner that lives on the street where the murdered occurred,  Mount Vernon Exposed was told that man had his throat cut and his hands cut off.  

In times of crisis people turn to their government leaders and pastors for direction.  If those two institutions are corrupt, how do think that will affect the community?  The community would become lawless and broken.  Pastor Richardson has no right to support any candidate in Mount Vernon.  He does not live or vote in Mount Vernon.  His followers mainly come from out of town.   His church is simply a business taken off of the tax rolls that adds no significant value to the black community.  In fact, his institution and its policies have destroyed the quality of life in the black community in Mount Vernon.    When Pastor Richardson starts building tax paying projects and moves to and votes in Mount Vernon, then he can have a voice in government.  How many black people have you seen working on any project sponsored and/or built by Pastor Richardson and/or Grace Baptist Church?

In the end, Pastor Richardson and the endorsement of the black pastor’s won’t mean a thing.  People are far more intelligent and have come to the conclusion that they have been bamboozled and hoodwinked for years by the above mentioned institutions.  Mayor Clinton Young has been a failure of a mayor for the City of Mount Vernon.  He was not fit to lead and should have never been elected.  But that does not mean going back in time either.  We cannot change the past but only look forward to a new day.  

The black community in Mount Vernon must pay attention to nonprofit groups endorsing the Mayoral candidates.  Such organizations should have a registered Political Action Committee with the New York State Board of Elections unless they are registered with the I.R.S as a 501(c) 4 nonprofit.  The public has a right to know who is funding these black pastor’s agenda.  Failure to register gives an impression that the pastors are being paid or promised lucrative development deals by the candidates for their endorsement.  One must ask the question why are only the black pastors endorsing candidates?  No other faith based group has endorsed any candidate. 

It is fact that inference from the black pastor group has proved deadly for the black community.  Hundreds of young black men have murdered on the streets of Mount Vernon because of their actions, personal agendas, and political maneuvering.   For years the black pastors were telling the black community that the school board was no good and that the members were racist and failing our kids.  So a group got together led by Pastor Richardson and backed handpicked candidates that would further their agenda.  The black pastors were not interested in improving the schools but taking control of a budget, that at the time was $120 Million.  Today the budget is over $200 Million.  Where did the $80 Million go?  Today, the schools are no longer in the hands of the black pastors.  People have finally started to wake up.   

Children in the black community now have nowhere to go and now they roam the streets playing laser tag with one another, but the only thing is that they are playing with real guns with real bullets.  Voters, especially in the black community must question these black pastors and ask them what they stand to gain from endorsing Mayor Clinton Young.  Mayor Clinton Young has been caught red handed stealing from the taxpayers by participating in a bid rigging scandal.   Pastor Richardson is fully aware of Mayor Young’s criminal and corrupt deal making.  Why would any religious group support a candidate involved in such criminality?  The mind is left to imagine that the religious group is indeed corrupt themselves and up to no good.  
2 more individuals that have added no significant value to the Mount Vernon political system and have destroyed the black community are Ronald Deters, husband of Corporation Counsel Loretta Hottinger and Michael Justino, husband of former Councilwoman Eileen Justino.  These two individuals employ tactics used by Hitler and the KKK.  Just last year when Family Court Judge Bill Edwards was running for re-election these two individuals sent letters to all of the Democratic Committee Chairperson throughout the County with a copy of his wife’s blog saying not to vote to endorse him.  They are also the authors of various racist literature currently being distributed throughout the black community.  They also maintain and control a group that calls themselves Concerned Dems of Mount Vernon. 

These two individuals conspired with the Fleetwood Neighborhood Association and the Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce to rig the recently held candidate’s debate with loaded questions.    Their plan backfired.  Their handpicked candidate, Mayor Clinton Young, was the only candidate booed by the crowd.  It was crystal clear that Mr. Detres and Mr. Justino never controlled any voting black in Fleetwood.