Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
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We hope our loyal readers had a wonderful and joyous
Memorial Day weekend. We are sorry to announce
that we are interrupting our regularly scheduled series on Alan for a few days
to bring you information about his partner in crime, the shameless, unethical,
unscrupulous, Westchester County District Attorney Janet DiFiore.
The corruption that was allowed to exist and that still
exists today in Westchester County and the 9th Judicial district was
made possible with criminal cover ups by Janet DiFiore and Alan
Scheinkman. Election fraud was not
prosecuted by Janet’s office. Instead
Janet DiFiore chose to launch false investigations against those that wrote,
investigated, and spoke about her corruption.
Janet even had the publisher of Mount Vernon Exposed, Samuel L. Rivers,
arrested 3 times on bogus charges. The
oldest case nearly 3 years old, has yet to go to trial. Janet tried having the
cases fixed to go in front of judges that were her friends. Nearly 3 years and 6 judges later, taxpayers
are still footing the nearly $1 Million legal bill to continue to maliciously
prosecute Mr. Rivers. We will provide
details about Mr. Rivers’ cases at a later time.
Today we fast forward to Janet DiFiore and her legal career
of which many years she spent as a professional criminal. Today the New York Post reported that Janet
is in hot water for helping her Jamaican housekeeper fraudulently obtain
welfare benefits courtesy of Westchester County taxpayers.
Now that you have read the New York Post story we would like
to add a few things not mentioned in the New York Post Article. Janet’s housekeeper Marina Buchanan was an
illegal immigrant while she worked for Janet.
According to a close source, Janet and her husband Dennis Glazer hired
Marina in 1987 and subjected Marina to long torturous hours similar to slaves
working on a cotton field. According to
documents obtained by Mount Vernon Exposed, Marina submitted an application to
Immigration authorities in 2007 stating that she was just entering the country
and was being sponsored by Janet DiFiore and her husband. Dennis
Glazer, also an attorney notarized the application that was submitted to
Immigration officials.
The plot thickens. In
addition to violating local and state law, Janet has violated Federal law and
as such all documentation obtained by Mount Vernon Exposed has been forwarded
to the proper Federal authorities for investigation.
When Janet got wind of the investigation by The Department
of Social Services, she sent her henchmen John George, a Senior ADA, to Kerry
Oristano, Commissioner of Human Resources, to have the investigator, Dhyalma Vazquez
fired. Janet must now answer to Federal
authorities. Both Janet and her husband
face disbarment and criminal charges relating to money laundering, tax evasion,
perjury, and election fraud. A special
jail should be built with the money Janet and her husband will have to repay to
taxpayers. These two sick individuals
need to be housed in a jail all by themselves.
Janet has been under fire for the past several years for her
treatment of blacks after being gunned down by rogue white police
officers. Today we will prove that Janet
is a racist which will hopefully explain her hatred of blacks that do not succumb
to her demands. Only the “Uncle Tom”
Negro leaders are viewed as “good blacks” in the eyes of Janet DiFiore. According to a source familiar with Janet and
her criminal wrongdoings, Janet DiFiore often referred to her housekeeper as
her “slave” and often made jokes at family dinners often in front of her “slave”. When the “slave” spoke up for herself, Janet
would say “What you have here is far better that what you would be doing in Jamaica. Would you rather pick coconuts or clean the
house of the most powerful couple in Westchester?.” Janet would often tell Marina that her hard
work would eventually pay off and in twenty years she would be sponsored to
become a United States citizen. 20 years
of slave labor in Janet’s mind = 20 years of a professional working in
corporate America. One could guess that
Marina’s pension was her sponsorship by Janet and her husband.
Janet and her husband made good on her promise to sponsor
Marina after she put in 20 years of hardworking “slave” labor. Marina was also paid like a “slave”. Marina often worked 12-18 hour days, 7 days a
week and was paid $200.00 per week, which breaks down to approximately $1.59 per hour.
Some may wonder how Marina was suddenly approved for
benefits after being denied year after year.
This was made possible by another “Uncle Tom” Negro Diane Atkins who was
the former 1st Deputy Commissioner of Social Services and is now the
Deputy Commissioner of Recreation for the City of Mount Vernon. Atkins, a crook, was exposed for getting her
daughter and/or niece taxpayer funded benefits to move to South Carolina and
also assisted her cronies in their theft of taxpayer funds.
The Journal New reported that Nashon Halevi, son of former
Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee Chairwoman Serepher Halevi, obtained
over $160K in taxpayer funded Broker fees while he was employed under the supervision
of Diane Atkins. He was later terminated
because he failed to pass the required civil service exam. Today, Nashon Halevi is back on the taxpayer
payroll as an employee in the City of Mount Vernon Planning Department. Naomi
Halevi, daughter, was indicted, arrested and plead guilty for illegally
obtained section 8 benefits while she owned a spacious $1M home located at 10
California Road. Serepher, “The Queen of Election Fraud” is trying to
make a comeback as the Chairwoman of the Mount Vernon Democratic City
Committee. We will further explain this crook to crook
connection in a later article.
Friday, May 11, 2012
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We welcome our readers back to our sixth issue about
Alan. We thank you, our loyal and
dedicated readers for making Mount Vernon Exposed the largest corruption
reporting watchdog blog on the internet today.
You have also made Alan our most successful series ever. To date our series on Alan has received over
17,000 hits. We need your help to reach
one million hits by July 1, 2012. One
million hits will sending a resounding message to the status quo that the
taxpayers mean business and will no longer stand for the corruption, fraud,
abuse, and injustice that Alan and gang of Klansman continue to engage in on a
daily basis. Alan has destroyed the
integrity of the entire NYS Judicial Court system.
Mount Vernon Exposed has learned that Alan has officially
gone crazy. It has been reported to
Mount Vernon Exposed that he is allegedly off of his medication that was
prescribed to him right after his mental breakdown while he was County
Attorney. This can most likely be attributed
to the strange, erratic, and standoffish behavior that Alan is displaying in
the courts these past few days. Alan
fearing that he will get indicted by a Federal grand jury for his case fixing,
kickbacks, and other shady dealings has begun to take steps to cover up his
criminal activities.
Just recently Alan was brought to public light for ordering
three hit men from the Office of Court Administration and the Inspector General
office to intimidate Hon. William Edwards of Mount Vernon City Court for
exposing on public record Alan and others for attempting to fix cases in the
Mount Vernon City Court. We will provide
details of the case fixing in a later issue.
It has also been reported to Mount Vernon Exposed that over $3M is
missing from the Mount Vernon City Court.
When allegations of corruption were brought to Judge Edwards’s
attention, Alan and his posse started to retaliate against Judge Edwards. So we must ask Alan, where is the money? Did he spend on his sailboat or did he use it
in Anguilla as spending money when he was there with Judge Sam Walker and Judge
Gerald Loehr?
Alan, Judge Seiden of Mount Vernon, Judge Gross of Mount
Vernon, and Larry Darden, Chief Clerk of Mount Vernon, recently met to discuss
filing a bogus complaint against Judge Edwards.
According to source familiar with the investigation the complainant is a
court employee close to Alan.
Alan mental health issues have cost Westchester taxpayers
hundreds of millions of dollars. Alan
has appointed several unqualified individuals to various positions throughout
the ninth judicial district. Alan also
appointed Susan Newman-Loehr with a supporting vote from Westchester County
Court Judge Barbara Zambelli. This gave
Alan and Janet DiFiore that opportunity to rob Westchester blind all while
gunning down unarmed black men by an elite band of rogue police officers. When it comes time to prosecute the officers
for their crimes, Susan Newman-Loehr will be sure to pool an all-white affluent
jury from Pelham, Harrison, and Bronxville.
The next character is Alan’s criminal syndicate is Nancy J.
Barry. Nancy Barry is Chief Clerk of the
Westchester Supreme and County Courts taking in a whopping $118K per year. Nancy’s co-workers describe her as a lazy
failure that is hardly in the office. As
Chief Clerk, Nancy is responsible for managing all aspects of court operations
and non-judicial case processing activities.
But when can Nancy find the time to do all of this when she spends most
of her day organizing outings for Alan and his posse? Nancy is also always on the golf course and frequently
brags to co-workers that her son attends West Point. One can be sure to guess that Nancy’s son is
training to become a General in Alan’s army of criminals.
Nancy is another one of Alan’s best and brightest that
managed to circumvent NYS civil service law requirements. Nancy did not take the test for her current
position as required by law. Some even
question if Nancy, although an admitted attorney, can even pass the test.
Nancy started her career with her law school buddy,
Westchester County Court Judge Susan Cacace as her Principal Law Clerk. The two
went to Pace Law together, and colleagues described them as close until they
had a falling out. Law clerks are
responsible for researching case law that is used in the Judge’s written
decision. Sources said that Judge Cacace
found Nancy incompetent and terminated her.
We applaud Judge Cacace for getting rid of such a useless burden on Westchester
County taxpayers. Nancy would often cite wrong cases. We can only imagine how many innocent people
are in jail due to Nancy’s incompetence.
Judge Francis Nicolai, another lazy, corrupt Judge, then
took in Nancy as his principal law clerk after she was given an express ride to
the unemployment office. When Judge
Nicolai retired and Alan took the reins, Alan made Nancy a Court Attorney
Referee in the Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement Part. Nancy benefited from Westchester homeowners
losing their homes, as she was the one who conducted the auctions, some of
which never made it to the courthouse steps because it is alleged that Nancy
received hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from investors looking to
purchase these properties for pennies on the dollar. Sources said Nancy then funneled the cash
payments Alan who the divided the money with the appropriate personnel. Nancy
was then appointed to Chief Clerk, where she remains today. To be continued ><><><
Thursday, May 10, 2012
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Alan Zimmerman |
Please click here to continue reading about the criminal cover up of Alan
Sunday, May 6, 2012
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We would like to
welcome our readers back to our fifth issue in our series about Alan, our most successful
and most read series to date. Over the
past few days Mount Vernon Exposed has been inundated with calls about the
corruption in the courts and in the Westchester County District Attorney’s
office. Our readers have expressed
concerns that they no longer have faith and trust in a judicial system that is
racist, unjust, and corrupt.
This past week
we have brought you exclusive breaking news that you will see only on Mount
Vernon Exposed. We have exposed the
conflicts of interests that lie within Westchester County and the 9th
judicial led by Alan. We have also exposed the fixing of Grand Jury proceedings
to give Westchester County District Attorney Janet DiFiore the outcome she is
seeking in cases of her gang of rogue police officers gunning down unarmed
black men. It was revealed by court personnel
that Janet DiFiore, Susan Newman-Loehr, and Alan Scheinkman met at an
undisclosed location to discuss pooling jurors from wealthy white affluent areas
for the Chamberlain Grand Jury proceedings.
Mr. Chamberlain
was gunned down by racist White Plains police officers in his own home. It was discovered that one of the police
officers said “OPEN THE DOOR NIGGER WE HAVE TO TALK”. Many throughout the community were outraged
but not surprised that Janet’s office was not able to get an indictment. As the saying goes ” You can indict a ham
sandwich”. This saying means that based
on the evidence that is presented to the Grand Jury you can get the outcome
that you are seeking. It is clear that
Janet withheld evidence that would have resulted in an indictment. A combination of the panel of racist white
Grand Jurors from affluent areas in Westchester County and the withholding of
key evidence resulted in the police officers not getting indicted. Janet, Alan, and Susan Newman-Loehr gave the
green light to White Plains Police Commissioner David Chong to “SHOOT DOWN MORE
In order to
understand the corruption that is permeating the 9th Judicial
District, one must try to understand the mindset and look into the extracurricular
activities of the elected officials committing the crimes.
officials and those in power tend to play by two different set of rules. They begin to think that they are the law and
that they are above the law. For
example, employees in the private sector must take drug tests before they are
hired and some companies even do random drug testing to ensure compliance with
the drug free workplace policy. However
elected officials and those that drink from the public till do not have to
submit to drug testing. They are free to
engage in a lifestyle of Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll.
Mount Vernon
Exposed polled 100 people about the thoughts that a Judge could be addicted to
narcotics. All 100 people polled said no
and that they wouldn’t believe a Judge would engage in that type of
activity. We then asked the same 100
people if they ever heard of Richard Baumgartner, they
all said no.
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Richard Baumgartner and Alan Scheinkman are cut from
the same cloth and are two peas in a pod.
Richard Baumgartner is a former Knoxville, Tennessee Criminal Court
Judge that was found guilty of official misconduct for his behavior on and off
the bench. Richard Baumgartner and Alan
Scheinkman share the same similarities in their behavior on and off the
Richard Baumgartner was addicted to painkillers that
were prescribed to him for treatment of his chronic alcohol abuse. When doctors no longer would write prescriptions
for his habit, Richard Baumgartner turned to the people he put in jail to
supply him the drugs. Richard
Baumgartner frequently had sex in his chambers with his supplier while court was
in session on recess break.
As a result of Richard Baumgartner’s conviction many of his cases have been set for new
trials and some of the people he put in jail are now free.
Mount Vernon Exposed previously reported that Alan is
not mentally fit to be a judge.
According to sources, Alan had a mental breakdown while he was the
Westchester County Attorney. It was also
reported to Mount Vernon Exposed by an anonymous source that Alan was prescribed
medication for his mental illness. It is
now alleged that Alan is addicted to these painkillers and obtains them in the
same fraudulent manner as Richard Baumgartner.
Every year, Alan and his wife Faith Miller host a
lavish party at their home at 10 Puritan Road in Rye that is attended by
several elected officials, and many of Alan’s co-workers who are also sitting
Judges. According to a source, Mount
Vernon Exposed was told that this is nothing more than a sex filled boozing and
drug orgy. Alan also put his hand up his
wife Faith Millers crotch in public in the presence of sitting Supreme Court
After Alan’s mental breakdown, it is alleged that he
became addicted to illegal narcotics, specifically cocaine. According to the source, Alan, Faith Miller,
sitting Supreme Court and County Court Judges, and others allegedly regularly
sniff cocaine as a recreational sport.
It has even been reported that Alan uses drugs in chambers inbetween his
calendar call.
Prior to their marriage, sources confirmed to Mount
Vernon Exposed that Alan and Faith Miller would engage in sexual activity in
his chambers. Faith Miller would then go appear in front of other Judges in the
same building.
Alan’s behavior is not that of a sane, drug free
person. A sane person would not put
their hand up their spouse’s crotch in public in front of other sitting
Currently in New York State, elected and appointed
officials, including judges, do not have to submit to drug tests nor is being
drug free a requirement for holding public office. Public officials that handle billions and
billions of taxpayer funds can be high as a kite while they are making laws or
passing budgets that affect the lives of millions of New Yorkers.
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Alan seems to embrace the criminal element; after all he
is a criminal himself. Just last month
at the State of the County address, Alan was seen embracing and sitting next to
Gordon Burrows, the disgraced Westchester County Legislator that was arrested
with Timothy Cacace, brother of Westchester County Court Judge Susan Cacace,
for snorting cocaine in an upstate Mobil gas station parking lot.
It was alleged that Alan was able to get Burrows a deal
by reaching out to the judge handling the case.
As a result of Alan’s interference, Burrows was able to avoid jail time
by pleading guilty to a single count of disorderly conduct.
Sources have told Mount Vernon Exposed that Alan had a
lot to lose if Gordon went to jail. It
has been told to Mount Vernon Exposed that Alan and Burrows and other sitting judges,
who we will reveal at a later date, all use the same cocaine supplier. We must now ask the question; is Alan high on
drugs when he renders decisions in the 9th Judicial District?
Mount Vernon Exposed has learned that a civil rights
group is preparing to go to Federal Court to compel Alan to submit to a mental
fitness test and also to a drug test.
To be continued>>>>
Friday, May 4, 2012
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We would like to welcome our readers back to our fourth
issue about Alan. In previous issues
about Alan, we spoke about his conflicts of interest in regards to his wife and
former business partner and colleague, Faith Miller practicing in front of
Judges that are personal friends of Alan.
These are the same judges that come over to Alan’s house for hot dogs,
hamburgers, and pork and beans. These
are also the same judges that frequently provide Alan with free trips to exotic
islands in exchange for favorable case loads and court assignments.
It was also revealed that Alan was in the presence of
sitting judges while putting his hand up his wife’s crotch at an event. Alan also put into place a system that would
allow him to stay on the golf course and cruise the waters in his sailboat
while his gang heard his caseload. Alan
has destroyed the integrity of the entire judicial system in the State of New
York. Alan is the reason that the
Officer Carelli from the White Plains department did not get indicted for
gunning down an unarmed black man while his partner said “OPEN THE DOOR, WE
supports this type of aggression against the black community.
For those of you that are just tuning in, we are referring to
the UNHONORABLE Judge Alan D. Scheinkman, Administrative Judge of the 9th
Judicial District. Mount Vernon Exposed
would like to announce that we fully support the Chamberlain family and we will
work tirelessly in the pursuit of justice until the officers that think that we
are still in the segregated south are indicted and convicted of murder and
civil rights violations.
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The blacks in attendance will then get duped into voting for
a corrupt district attorney because the “Uncle Tom” pastor would validate Janet
DiFiore. The blacks would then think
that Janet DiFiore is down for their cause because Janet came to their church
and sat with their pastor, another black person. However this in not the case. In Janet’s mind she is thinking “give me four more years so my gang of
officers can shoot down more niggers.”
The community should not be outraged that a White Plains
Police officer called a black person a nigger.
Alan, Janet and White Plains Police Commissioner David Chong view black
people as niggers. If you do see them in
public with black people stay as far away you can from those black people as
they are the ones that sold you out in the first place. Those are the “Uncle Toms” we are referring to
from this point on.
It is not the intention of Mount Vernon Exposed to divide
the community. We are not taking the
position that all Caucasians are racist and we are not taking the position that
all African Americans are racist.
However we are taking the position that justice should be color blind
and free from the appearance of impropriety.
Justice is racist in Westchester County. Alan Scheinkman and Janet DiFiore are two racists individuals who share the same way of thinking.
With the assistance of Alan and Susan Newman Loehr,
Commissioner of Jurors, Janet DiFiore got her a panel of jurors that would not
indict the officers. According to a
source with knowledge of the Grand Jury proceedings, Janet, Alan and Susan
Newman had a meeting to discuss where a jury pool would come from only after
the news of the execution of Mr. Chamberlain made national headlines. Mount Vernon Exposed was told that the jurors
that heard the testimony were all from areas such as Bronxville, Pelham Manor,
Harrison, Pleasantville, Rye, and Larchmont, all areas that are known for their
aggressive racial profiling tactics against the Hispanic and African American
Janet has pulled these tricks over and over again. We saw this same movie with Officer Ridley
and D.J. Henry. Again Janet was assisted
by Susan Newman Loehr and Alan Scheinkman in selecting jury pools from these areas. Not until Alan Scheinkman and Susan Newman
Loehr are removed from power will the African American community begin to
receive equal protection under the law.
Whenever a black person is gunned down by a rogue police officer, they
will continue to pool jurors from these same racist areas. Janet and Alan know very well that pooling a
jury from White Plains, Greenburgh, Yonkers, Peekskill, Mount Vernon, and New Rochelle
would have brought an indictment against Officer Carelli.
Shouldn’t a jury have been pooled from White Plains, the
City where the officers work and get paid by the White Plains taxpayers? After
all, all those accused of a crime deserve to be tried by a jury of their peers
unless the peers of those involved in the execution of Mr. Chamberlain come
from the above mentioned areas. We challenge Janet DiFiore to prove Mount
Vernon Exposed wrong by releasing the names of the jurors that heard the testimony. We can almost be certain that is was stacked
with racist rednecks and “uncle toms”.
Susan Newman Loehr, wife of County Court Judge Gerald Loehr
who is seeking election this year to the Supreme Court, is the Commissioner of
Jurors for Westchester County. She is
responsible for pooling jurors on County Criminal and Supreme Court Civil
Cases. That is a lot of power for one
person to have. Alan, on a motion
seconded by County Court Judge Barbara Zambelli, appointed Susan Newman Loehr
as the Commissioner of Jurors. Alan didn’t
disclose publicly that he had a conflict of interest or even should have abstained
himself from the matter because he took frequent trips to Anguilla with Judge
Loehr and Judge Sam Walker. Susan Newman
Loehr is currently suing her employer, The New York State Unified Court System,
because she wanted a $30,000 raise and wanted to be paid for two positions at
the same time.
The African American community must remove all trust, hope,
and faith that they will ever receive justice in Westchester County while Alan
is the Administrative Judge and Janet DiFiore is the District Attorney. The justice system in Westchester County is
nothing more than a patronage mill where people are shuffled illegally from
position to position and the best felacio can get you a job as a judge’s
secretary or Executive Director of the 9th Judicial District.
The African American community must be even more foolish or
suffer from the same mental illness as Alan if they think that their black
pastor or “Uncle Tom” Negros leader will do something for them or stand with
them in solidarity during a time of crisis.
Not one African American elected official expressed any outrage or came
out publicly about the White Plains Police officer calling Mr. Chamberlain a “NIGGER”. These “Uncle Tom” Negro leaders view their
fellow African Americans as “Niggers” too. The “Uncle Tom” Negro leaders think
that they are better than their fellow African American and feel that they have
made it in life because they drive a fancy Mercedes or BMW convertible and they
own a home. Unbeknownst to these “Uncle Tom” Negro leaders these same people
that they think they are like and are part of “The Clique” will turn on them
when everything hits the fan and will repossess their car and foreclose on
their home when the going gets tough.
The African American community must immediately cease
putting trust in these “Uncle Tom” Negro leaders and start exploring different
options and maybe put trust in people or organizations that may not look like
them. Trusting in those that look like
them has gotten the African American community nowhere. Job losses, high crime, poor health and
failing schools are the results of the African American putting trust in the “Uncle
Tom” Negro leaders who go shopping with Janet and smoke cigars and eat pork and
beans with Alan. Albert Einstein once
said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a
different result.
However there does appear to be light at the end of the
tunnel and there is hope for cleaning up the corruption in the 9th
Judicial District. Mount Vernon Exposed
has learned that Chief Administrative Judge Hon. A. Gail Prudenti is aware of
the corruption in the 9th Judicial and has made it a priority to
clean it up. We have sent correspondence
regarding our investigation. We will
keep you posted on the response from Judge Prudenti’s office.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
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Corrupt Racist Alan Scheinkman |
We would like to
welcome our readers back to our third issue about Alan who has already become
the top search item on Mount Vernon Exposed amassing a record 10,670 hits just
this week alone. Please keep the tips
coming in. At this point you should be
very familiar with the sick and twisted mind of Alan Scheinkman, a certified
racist, fraud, womanizer, and cheater.
It was recently reported that Alan put his hand up the crotch of his
wife Faith Miller in public while in the presence of other sitting Supreme
Court and County Judges.
It is becoming
quite clear during our investigation that Alan does indeed have a mental
problem and is a certified lunatic. Alan
is a failure and his erratic thinking has cost and still is costing New York
State taxpayers millions of dollars per year.
So far we have
exposed the circle of corruption permeating the 9th judicial
district. Alan is the head of the criminal
enterprise operating in the 9th judicial system. He is assisted by Nancy Mangold, James Garfein,
Jennifer Jaffe, J Marshall Mangold, Susan Newman Loehr, several Supreme Court
judges and others. We will expose each
and every person that is part of this criminal enterprise over the next few
Today we bring
you another creepy character that is the glue that keeps the money machine
cranking throughout Westchester County.
This shady figure is Susan Newman Loehr, wife of Westchester County
Court Judge Gerald Loehr. Judge Loehr is also looking to advance in Alan crime
family by seeking a New York State Supreme Court Judgeship. We will make sure
that Judge Loehr’s mission ends before it even begins.
It was previously reported that Alan took
plenty of free trips to Anguilla with Supreme Court Judge Sam Walker, County
Court Judge Gerald Loehr, and other sitting judges while discussing open cases. It was also alleged that Alan and other
Judges patronized prostitutes while on these excursions.
Susan Newman
Loehr is currently the Commissioner of Jurors and is handsomely compensated by
taxpayers at an annual rate of $120,626.
Susan is responsible for getting jurors (including cases involving her
husband) for the thousands of cases heard in Westchester County each year.
Alan had a plan
to rape the taxpayers of millions of dollars.
As the saying goes “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”. Alan had no intentions of failing. Alan was very instrumental in getting Susan
appointed as the Commissioner of Jurors.
Susan’s appointment was political payback for favors owed to Susan’s
husband, Judge Gerald Loehr. Judge Loehr
is Scheinkman’s hit man. If Scheinkman
wants to screw someone or wants to interrupt someone’s life with a biased
ruling, he arranges to have the cases put in front of Gerald Loehr, another
certified racist and a fraud. We will
report on Judge Loehr’s cases of impropriety in the next few days.
While they were
island hopping Alan would come up with the idea to appoint Susan as the
Commissioner of Jurors. The Commissioner
of Jurors is appointed by the Jury Board that consists Alan, Judge Barbara
Zambelli, and County Executive Robert Astorino.
Mount Vernon Exposed has obtained copies of the transcripts from the
meeting appointing Susan as Commissioner of Jurors. The testimony given by Alan is disturbing and
reeks of corruption.
Alan stated that
during this meeting that there were over 70 applicants that applied for the
position that was becoming vacant because the previous commissioner was
retiring. Alan also said that out of the
70 applicants that only one stood out and that was Susan Loehr.
Alan thought by putting Susan is charge of
Jurors that would further his criminal enterprise. Susan would pool jurors that would be
favorable to Alan and others. Alan is
listed as presiding Judge of the Commercial Division, the division that hears
commercial claims greater than $100,000.
Susan’s high
handed behavior didn’t end with her appointment as the Commissioner of Jurors.
Before she was appointed the Commissioner of Jurors, Susan held the position of
Principal Administrative Assistant for the 9th Judicial
District. Susan currently holds two
positions and wants to get paid for them as well. The Chief Administrative Judge of New York
State disagrees and stripped Susan of receiving two paychecks.
Mount Vernon
Exposed has obtained a copy of the lawsuit and it is attached to this
story. The contents are disturbing. Susan wrote in court papers “At Judge
Scheinkman’s request, I continue to perform the Human Resource functions of
Principal Administrative Assistant for the 9th Judicial District.” How does Susan sue the employer that pays her
salary? Susan too appears to be an individual
that suffers from some sort of mental disorder, and taxpayers are the ones that
will suffer from that mental disorder.
Alan’s criminal
enterprise is deeply rooted and is larger than La Costra Nostra. Alan has no honor. In fact he fully supports Susan is her
lawsuit against the New York State Unified Court System. Susan also wrote in court papers “Indeed,
the current District Administrative Judge expressed on the public
record, at the meeting of the Westchester County
Jury Board at which I was appointed
Commissioner, that my service to the UCS has been exemplary. The minutes of that meeting are attached hereto
as Exhibit B”.
Susan is a key figure
in keeping the money flowing throughout Westchester County. She pools jurors
from areas and neighborhoods that she thinks would return verdicts favorable to
her fellow members of the Alan criminal syndicate.
To Be
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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As reported
earlier, Alan was and still is a very lazy man.
Lazy people who are in power are afforded the luxury of using our tax
dollars to finance their lavish lifestyles.
The Alan being referred to is Alan Scheinkman, Administrative Judge for
the 9th judicial district, long said to be the most corrupt judicial
district in the State of New York.
While families
were starving and getting kicked out of their homes via foreclosure (cases that
pass through Scheinkman’s court), Alan went on a multi-million dollar taxpayer
funded shopping spree. Alan decided to
hire all of his friends and build a system that would allow him to spend more
time on the golf course and on his sailboat.
Alan hired Nancy
Mangold who is currently making $144,574 per year and her title as listed on
the New York State Unified Court Website is “District Executive”. Just what exactly is a “District Executive”?
According to
SeeThroughNY, Mangold’s job is listed as “Ast Dep Chf Admn” This does not look
anything like the title given to her by Alan.
Alan changed Mangold’s job description because the position as listed on
SeeThroughNY, is a civil service position. What does that exactly mean?
According to NYS Civil Service law, Nancy Mangold’s should have taken a competitive
examination that was advertised to the public.
Mount Vernon
Exposed was told by a source that Hon. A. Gail Prudenti’s office is directly
handling matters pertaining to an investigation in the 9th Judicial
District. Hon. A. Gail Prudenti is the Chief Administrative Judge for New York
State and is responsible for running the New York State Unified Court
The issue of
Alan’s mental fitness again comes into play.
It was earlier reported that Alan had a mental breakdown while he was Westchester
County Attorney. Is Alan mentally fit to
be on the bench? We must not take
lightly that Alan may have a mental illness.
The thoughts that go on in Alan’s head affects well over a million
people in the counties of Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, and Orange
counties. Would a truly sane person
behave as Alan has publicly displayed? In our previous issue we broke the
exclusive news that Alan put his hand up his wife Faith Miller’s crotch in
pubic while in the presence of other sitting Supreme Court and County Court
While unconfirmed
until Freedom of Information Requests are fulfilled, it has been said that
Nancy Mangold went from a grade 12 to a grade 29 overnight and received a raise
of tens of thousands of dollars as part of this multi-million taxpayer funded
shopping spree. Nancy Mangold hired her
son who also went up the ranks pretty quickly.
J Marshall Mangold in 2008, was a
Sr Court Office Keyboard making $33,079.
Today, J Marshall Mangold is a
court attorney making $64, 834. It would
not be complete without Jennifer Jaffe, Nancy Mangold’s daughter in-law who is
Alan’s principal secretary. Does this reek
of corruption and nepotism?
By keeping a
close knit family, the corruption is able to continue. Alan is not really running the courts because
he is never there. Jennifer Jaffe covers
for Alan by deflecting calls of extreme importance to her mother in law who
then deals with the situation. All legal
work is done by James Garfein, Alan’s top tiger in the office. It was told to Mount Vernon Exposed that a
majority of the judges in the 9th Judicial District are not happy
because they are forced to deal with Nancy Mangold who is in her position
illegally because a test was never called for. Nancy Mangold was only legally
allowed to serve in her position for 9 months without taking a test. It was reported that several court employees
in Alan’s building are not happy with Nancy Mangold who is often referred to as
the “Black Widow”.
Sources have
told Mount Vernon Exposed that Jennifer S Jaffe and Nancy Mangold’s son are
married. Is this a conflict of interest?
Jennifer S. Jaffe makes $59, 183 per year.
Nancy Mangold also has quite an ambitious agenda. Sources have told Mount Vernon Exposed that
Nancy Mangold wants her son to become a Judge and take Alan’s position as
Administrative Judge for the 9th Judicial District.
We encourage you
to look at the video attached to this article and to follow our video series of
“Judicial Review”. To be continued>>>>>