Wednesday, July 15, 2015



Many of us grew up on stories, movies and books of the Cosa Nostra, the criminal syndicate in SicilyItaly. It was a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organizational structure and code of conduct. Each group, known as a “family”, “clan”, or “cosca“, claims sovereignty over a territory, usually a town or village or a neighborhood (borgata) of a larger city, in which it operates it's rackets. Its members call themselves “men of honor”, although the public often refers to them as “Mafiosi”. The Mafia’s core activities are protection racketeering, the arbitration of disputes between criminals, and the organizing and oversight of illegal agreements and transactions

Westchester Democrats have adopted this theme, creating a political landscape, which they control, with their own code of conduct. Anyone who is a threat to his or her way of life much like the criminal syndicate, the Cosa Nostra, either gets the choice to get down or get put down


The players on the Westchester Democrat syndicate are Reginald Lafayette, the Democratic Don of Don's (Westchester County Democratic Chairman, Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee Chairman and Westchester County Board of Elections Commissioner), George Brown, Mount Vernon City Clerk, Marcus Griffith, President of the Mount Vernon City Council, and John Boykin City Council Candidate, and glorified henchman/bagman, who often carries out the dirty work so his superior's hands stay clean and the Mount Vernon Capo, Mayor Ernie Davis are just a few of the key players who we publicly see, but there are many more behind the scenes (some outside of the City of Mount Vernon), those who are nameless or faceless hit man who do whatever the bosses' need to be done.

The Mafia controlled everything from the street corner drug trade to the highest levels of government.  The Westchester Democratic Criminal Syndicate under Don Reggie Lafayette and the multiple hats he wears, control who runs for office and who makes the ballot.  If a rogue element surfaces that threatens business, they plot to take him down.  Many allegations of voter fraud and election rigging have never been able to stick because of Lafayette’s relationship with Westchester County District Attorney Janet Difiore.

It has been alleged that one such plot was overheard in Mount Vernon City Hall on Tuesday July 14th. The topic of discussion was the threat of the upcoming election and City Council candidate, Andre Wallace. Brown, Griffith, Boykin and Lafayette (who is was unclear if he was there in person or on speaker phone) planned a detailed plot to take out Wallace, who to date has been able to circumvent the current power structure, refusing to kiss the ring of Lafayette and has been gaining major momentum on his own.

A day after Wallace’s star-studded golf outing and fundraiser, these key players gathered in the City Clerk’s office to surgically take down, discredit and remove Wallace from the race. A meeting with a spokesperson of the Dems was set to get Wallace to drop out of the race, because the Mount Vernon Democratic powers that be saw him as a threat despite the fact he was only running for City Council. The henchman even offered Wallace a bride to drop out the race.

Wallace is a wildcard who they can’t control. He can outspend them and is garnering much support from the business leaders who are tired of the way things have been run so far. The dangerous thing is many of these business owners are the ones the Syndicate has been extorting to finance their way of life.

Westchester’s Democrat Syndicate has long built alliances with nontraditional organized groups in the county especially where the City of Mt. Vernon is concerned. Wallace is a danger because those who have been taking advantage of during Davis' rule of Mount Vernon see Wallace as one of their own and they are ready to back him to get in City Hall and represent their interest, something that hasn’t been done in decades. What we are seeing is a systemic structure of corruption of the highest level.

When there is prolonged evidence of organized crime (and that is what we are talking about, what the Westchester Democrats are doing under Lafayette is no less that organized crime) the federal government steps in. On the FBI’s website, it states, “It’s not just the mafia anymore. Today, organized crime comes at us from every corner of the globe.”

We may need the FBI to come in and impose the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act which is effective tool in an effort to combat Mafia, ad we see a necessity for an independent federal election monitor to end the corruption being committed in Westchester County electoral process.

Although Lafayette’s dual roles and organized control of the electoral process may be worthy of a RICO Act violation, it is codified as Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code, which deals with federal crimes and criminal procedure. Although it was intended to be used against the Mafia and others engaged in organized crime, the RICO Act has been used to prosecute all sorts of criminal activity. We may need to ask if Lafayette’s control in the Democratic Party of Westchester County qualifies.

While that maybe something the government looks at later if Lafayette remains in control of the party, at the very least we need to be demanding Election Monitoring under Section 8 of the Voting Rights Act. Federal Monitors come in when the Department of Justice learns of election-related problems that may appear to warrant the assignment of federal observers.

There is longtime history of questionable activity under Lafayette’s reign. The Westchester Guardian reported: “There have been Democratic candidates in Westchester who have definitely suffered under that circumstance, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, in the contest for the 35th District State Senate seat in 2004, most notable among them.”

To sum things up, this pattern of behavior has been going on in Westchester for far too long. Now is the time for federal observers to monitor he upcoming Mount Vernon Mayoral race, so we can have a fair election.

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