Thursday, May 26, 2016


School District Shame

School Board Trustee Omar McDowell hit a new low Tuesday, and it is now clear that the only reason he became a School Board Trustee, is to line his pockets with taxpayer’s money. Tuesday, Trustee McDowell and long time crook Terrance Horton, stormed the Ed Center, trying to secure a contract for Horton and Horton’s Korean business connection.  Sources report, that in return for McDowell securing a school district contract for Terrance Horton, he would receive a 10% cut. Sources also report that McDowell was promised financial compensation for securing a deal for Carver Federal Bank to perform services for the school bond. Such deals are illegal.

Mount Vernon Exposed was informed that Trustee McDowell is receiving food stamps under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, (SNAP). It is likely that McDowell is also receiving government rent assistance. The McDowell family members are driving expensive Cadillac vehicles with out of state plates.  How is it possible that a Trustee on government assistance can afford theses vehicles? Something is wrong, and a federal investigation needs to be conducted to find out if the McDowells are defrauding the government.

The UBC tried to hijack the School Board, by backing Kevin Bunch in the past election. A Bunch win would have given Trustee Dorothea Miller the Board Presidency, and the United Black Clergy (UBC) control of the Board. Miller is tied to the hip of Omar McDowell, as well as The UBC. It would have been a disaster having this group in power. Crooked Ministers pulling the strings of a crooked board majority would be a repeat of 2002 when the then $100 million bond was stolen. With a majority, the district would have had no choice but to cave in to McDowell, and our bond money would once again become misappropriated.

McDowell is an embarrassment. He is the point man for crooked Ministers and crooked businessmen, and should resign. It is obvious that he does not have enough moral fiber to represent children, and hold the position as a School Board Trustee. The fact that he has other Trustees who are aligned with him, is shameful. Those Trustees should also resign. Our Children deserve better.

The board owes the residents of Mt Vernon an audit of past bonds. It was promised, but it has yet to be accomplished.

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